EventMap Member List

This is the complete list of members for EventMap, including all inherited members.

Check(const EventType &event)EventMapstatic
Copy(const std::vector< EventMap *> &new_leaves) const =0EventMappure virtual
Copy() constEventMapinline
GetChildren(std::vector< EventMap *> *out) const =0EventMappure virtual
Lookup(const EventType &event, EventKeyType key, EventValueType *ans)EventMapstatic
Map(const EventType &event, EventAnswerType *ans) const =0EventMappure virtual
MapValues(const unordered_set< EventKeyType > &keys_to_map, const unordered_map< EventValueType, EventValueType > &value_map) const =0EventMappure virtual
MaxResult() constEventMapinlinevirtual
MultiMap(const EventType &event, std::vector< EventAnswerType > *ans) const =0EventMappure virtual
Prune() const =0EventMappure virtual
Read(std::istream &is, bool binary)EventMapstatic
Write(std::ostream &os, bool binary)=0EventMappure virtual
Write(std::ostream &os, bool binary, EventMap *emap)EventMapstatic