class | ChunkInfo |
| ChunkInfo is a class whose purpose is to describe the structure of matrices holding features. More...
class | Component |
| Abstract class, basic element of the network, it is a box with defined inputs, outputs, and tranformation functions interface. More...
class | UpdatableComponent |
| Class UpdatableComponent is a Component which has trainable parameters and contains some global parameters for stochastic gradient descent (learning rate, L2 regularization constant). More...
class | NonlinearComponent |
| This kind of Component is a base-class for things like sigmoid and softmax. More...
class | MaxoutComponent |
class | MaxpoolingComponent |
| MaxPoolingComponent : Maxpooling component was firstly used in ConvNet for selecting an representative activation in an area. More...
class | PnormComponent |
class | NormalizeComponent |
class | SigmoidComponent |
class | TanhComponent |
class | PowerComponent |
| Take the absoute values of an input vector to a power. More...
class | RectifiedLinearComponent |
class | SoftHingeComponent |
class | ScaleComponent |
class | SoftmaxComponent |
class | LogSoftmaxComponent |
class | AffineComponent |
class | AffineComponentPreconditioned |
class | AffineComponentPreconditionedOnline |
| Keywords: natural gradient descent, NG-SGD, naturalgradient. More...
class | RandomComponent |
class | SpliceComponent |
| Splices a context window of frames together [over time]. More...
class | SpliceMaxComponent |
| This is as SpliceComponent but outputs the max of any of the inputs (taking the max across time). More...
class | BlockAffineComponent |
class | BlockAffineComponentPreconditioned |
class | SumGroupComponent |
class | PermuteComponent |
| PermuteComponent does a permutation of the dimensions (by default, a fixed random permutation, but it may be specified). More...
class | DctComponent |
| Discrete cosine transform. More...
class | FixedLinearComponent |
| FixedLinearComponent is a linear transform that is supplied at network initialization time and is not trainable. More...
class | FixedAffineComponent |
| FixedAffineComponent is an affine transform that is supplied at network initialization time and is not trainable. More...
class | FixedScaleComponent |
| FixedScaleComponent applies a fixed per-element scale; it's similar to the Rescale component in the nnet1 setup (and only needed for nnet1 model conversion). More...
class | FixedBiasComponent |
| FixedBiasComponent applies a fixed per-element bias; it's similar to the AddShift component in the nnet1 setup (and only needed for nnet1 model conversion. More...
class | DropoutComponent |
| This Component, if present, randomly zeroes half of the inputs and multiplies the other half by two. More...
class | AdditiveNoiseComponent |
| This is a bit similar to dropout but adding (not multiplying) Gaussian noise with a given standard deviation. More...
class | Convolutional1dComponent |
| Convolutional1dComponent implements convolution over frequency axis. More...