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nnet-component.h File Reference
#include <mutex>
#include "base/kaldi-common.h"
#include "itf/options-itf.h"
#include "matrix/matrix-lib.h"
#include "cudamatrix/cu-matrix-lib.h"
#include "nnet2/nnet-precondition-online.h"
#include <iostream>
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class  ChunkInfo
 ChunkInfo is a class whose purpose is to describe the structure of matrices holding features. More...
class  Component
 Abstract class, basic element of the network, it is a box with defined inputs, outputs, and tranformation functions interface. More...
class  UpdatableComponent
 Class UpdatableComponent is a Component which has trainable parameters and contains some global parameters for stochastic gradient descent (learning rate, L2 regularization constant). More...
class  NonlinearComponent
 This kind of Component is a base-class for things like sigmoid and softmax. More...
class  MaxoutComponent
class  MaxpoolingComponent
 MaxPoolingComponent : Maxpooling component was firstly used in ConvNet for selecting an representative activation in an area. More...
class  PnormComponent
class  NormalizeComponent
class  SigmoidComponent
class  TanhComponent
class  PowerComponent
 Take the absoute values of an input vector to a power. More...
class  RectifiedLinearComponent
class  SoftHingeComponent
class  ScaleComponent
class  SoftmaxComponent
class  LogSoftmaxComponent
class  AffineComponent
class  AffineComponentPreconditioned
class  AffineComponentPreconditionedOnline
 Keywords: natural gradient descent, NG-SGD, naturalgradient. More...
class  RandomComponent
class  SpliceComponent
 Splices a context window of frames together [over time]. More...
class  SpliceMaxComponent
 This is as SpliceComponent but outputs the max of any of the inputs (taking the max across time). More...
class  BlockAffineComponent
class  BlockAffineComponentPreconditioned
class  SumGroupComponent
class  PermuteComponent
 PermuteComponent does a permutation of the dimensions (by default, a fixed random permutation, but it may be specified). More...
class  DctComponent
 Discrete cosine transform. More...
class  FixedLinearComponent
 FixedLinearComponent is a linear transform that is supplied at network initialization time and is not trainable. More...
class  FixedAffineComponent
 FixedAffineComponent is an affine transform that is supplied at network initialization time and is not trainable. More...
class  FixedScaleComponent
 FixedScaleComponent applies a fixed per-element scale; it's similar to the Rescale component in the nnet1 setup (and only needed for nnet1 model conversion). More...
class  FixedBiasComponent
 FixedBiasComponent applies a fixed per-element bias; it's similar to the AddShift component in the nnet1 setup (and only needed for nnet1 model conversion. More...
class  DropoutComponent
 This Component, if present, randomly zeroes half of the inputs and multiplies the other half by two. More...
class  AdditiveNoiseComponent
 This is a bit similar to dropout but adding (not multiplying) Gaussian noise with a given standard deviation. More...
class  Convolutional1dComponent
 Convolutional1dComponent implements convolution over frequency axis. More...


 This code computes Goodness of Pronunciation (GOP) and extracts phone-level pronunciation feature for mispronunciations detection tasks, the reference:


bool ParseFromString (const std::string &name, std::string *string, int32 *param)
 Functions used in Init routines. More...
bool ParseFromString (const std::string &name, std::string *string, BaseFloat *param)
 This version is for parameters of type BaseFloat. More...
bool ParseFromString (const std::string &name, std::string *string, std::vector< int32 > *param)
 This version is for parameters of type std::vector<int32>; it expects them as a colon-separated list, without spaces. More...
bool ParseFromString (const std::string &name, std::string *string, bool *param)
 This version is for parameters of type bool, which can appear as any string beginning with f, F, t or T. More...