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 This code computes Goodness of Pronunciation (GOP) and extracts phone-level pronunciation feature for mispronunciations detection tasks, the reference:


void GetDiagnosticsAndPrintOutput (const std::string &utt, const fst::SymbolTable *word_syms, const CompactLattice &clat, int64 *tot_num_frames, double *tot_like)
int main (int argc, char *argv[])

Function Documentation

◆ main()

int main ( int  argc,
char *  argv[] 

Definition at line 77 of file

References NnetSimpleLoopedComputationOptions::acoustic_scale, fst::AcousticLatticeScale(), OnlineSilenceWeighting::Active(), SingleUtteranceNnet3IncrementalDecoderTpl< FST >::AdvanceDecoding(), kaldi::nnet3::CollapseModel(), OnlineSilenceWeighting::ComputeCurrentTraceback(), WaveData::Data(), SingleUtteranceNnet3IncrementalDecoderTpl< FST >::Decoder(), SequentialTableReader< Holder >::Done(), SingleUtteranceNnet3IncrementalDecoderTpl< FST >::EndpointDetected(), SingleUtteranceNnet3IncrementalDecoderTpl< FST >::FinalizeDecoding(), NnetSimpleLoopedComputationOptions::frame_subsampling_factor, kaldi::g_num_threads, ParseOptions::GetArg(), OnlineSilenceWeighting::GetDeltaWeights(), kaldi::GetDiagnosticsAndPrintOutput(), SingleUtteranceNnet3IncrementalDecoderTpl< FST >::GetLattice(), AmNnetSimple::GetNnet(), OnlineIvectorExtractionInfo::greedy_ivector_extractor, RandomAccessTableReader< Holder >::HasKey(), rnnlm::i, OnlineNnet2FeaturePipelineInfo::ivector_extractor_info, KALDI_ERR, KALDI_LOG, KALDI_WARN, SequentialTableReader< Holder >::Key(), SequentialTableReader< Holder >::Next(), ParseOptions::NumArgs(), SingleUtteranceNnet3IncrementalDecoderTpl< FST >::NumFramesDecoded(), OnlineTimer::OutputStats(), OnlineTimingStats::Print(), ParseOptions::PrintUsage(), AmNnetSimple::Read(), ParseOptions::Read(), TransitionModel::Read(), fst::ReadFstKaldiGeneric(), NnetSimpleLoopedComputationOptions::Register(), ParseOptions::Register(), OnlineNnet2FeaturePipelineConfig::Register(), LatticeIncrementalDecoderConfig::Register(), OnlineEndpointConfig::Register(), WaveData::SampFreq(), fst::ScaleLattice(), kaldi::nnet3::SetBatchnormTestMode(), kaldi::nnet3::SetDropoutTestMode(), OnlineNnet2FeaturePipelineInfo::silence_weighting_config, Input::Stream(), OnlineIvectorExtractionInfo::use_most_recent_ivector, RandomAccessTableReader< Holder >::Value(), SequentialTableReader< Holder >::Value(), OnlineTimer::WaitUntil(), and TableWriter< Holder >::Write().

77  {
78  try {
79  using namespace kaldi;
80  using namespace fst;
82  typedef kaldi::int32 int32;
83  typedef kaldi::int64 int64;
85  const char *usage =
86  "Reads in wav file(s) and simulates online decoding with neural nets\n"
87  "(nnet3 setup), with optional iVector-based speaker adaptation and\n"
88  "optional endpointing. Note: some configuration values and inputs are\n"
89  "set via config files whose filenames are passed as options\n"
90  "The lattice determinization algorithm here can operate\n"
91  "incrementally.\n"
92  "\n"
93  "Usage: online2-wav-nnet3-latgen-incremental [options] <nnet3-in> <fst-in> "
94  "<spk2utt-rspecifier> <wav-rspecifier> <lattice-wspecifier>\n"
95  "The spk2utt-rspecifier can just be <utterance-id> <utterance-id> if\n"
96  "you want to decode utterance by utterance.\n";
98  ParseOptions po(usage);
100  std::string word_syms_rxfilename;
102  // feature_opts includes configuration for the iVector adaptation,
103  // as well as the basic features.
106  LatticeIncrementalDecoderConfig decoder_opts;
107  OnlineEndpointConfig endpoint_opts;
109  BaseFloat chunk_length_secs = 0.18;
110  bool do_endpointing = false;
111  bool online = true;
113  po.Register("chunk-length", &chunk_length_secs,
114  "Length of chunk size in seconds, that we process. Set to <= 0 "
115  "to use all input in one chunk.");
116  po.Register("word-symbol-table", &word_syms_rxfilename,
117  "Symbol table for words [for debug output]");
118  po.Register("do-endpointing", &do_endpointing,
119  "If true, apply endpoint detection");
120  po.Register("online", &online,
121  "You can set this to false to disable online iVector estimation "
122  "and have all the data for each utterance used, even at "
123  "utterance start. This is useful where you just want the best "
124  "results and don't care about online operation. Setting this to "
125  "false has the same effect as setting "
126  "--use-most-recent-ivector=true and --greedy-ivector-extractor=true "
127  "in the file given to --ivector-extraction-config, and "
128  "--chunk-length=-1.");
129  po.Register("num-threads-startup", &g_num_threads,
130  "Number of threads used when initializing iVector extractor.");
132  feature_opts.Register(&po);
133  decodable_opts.Register(&po);
134  decoder_opts.Register(&po);
135  endpoint_opts.Register(&po);
138  po.Read(argc, argv);
140  if (po.NumArgs() != 5) {
141  po.PrintUsage();
142  return 1;
143  }
145  std::string nnet3_rxfilename = po.GetArg(1),
146  fst_rxfilename = po.GetArg(2),
147  spk2utt_rspecifier = po.GetArg(3),
148  wav_rspecifier = po.GetArg(4),
149  clat_wspecifier = po.GetArg(5);
151  OnlineNnet2FeaturePipelineInfo feature_info(feature_opts);
153  if (!online) {
154  feature_info.ivector_extractor_info.use_most_recent_ivector = true;
155  feature_info.ivector_extractor_info.greedy_ivector_extractor = true;
156  chunk_length_secs = -1.0;
157  }
159  TransitionModel trans_model;
160  nnet3::AmNnetSimple am_nnet;
161  {
162  bool binary;
163  Input ki(nnet3_rxfilename, &binary);
164  trans_model.Read(ki.Stream(), binary);
165  am_nnet.Read(ki.Stream(), binary);
166  SetBatchnormTestMode(true, &(am_nnet.GetNnet()));
167  SetDropoutTestMode(true, &(am_nnet.GetNnet()));
169  }
171  // this object contains precomputed stuff that is used by all decodable
172  // objects. It takes a pointer to am_nnet because if it has iVectors it has
173  // to modify the nnet to accept iVectors at intervals.
174  nnet3::DecodableNnetSimpleLoopedInfo decodable_info(decodable_opts,
175  &am_nnet);
178  fst::Fst<fst::StdArc> *decode_fst = ReadFstKaldiGeneric(fst_rxfilename);
180  fst::SymbolTable *word_syms = NULL;
181  if (word_syms_rxfilename != "")
182  if (!(word_syms = fst::SymbolTable::ReadText(word_syms_rxfilename)))
183  KALDI_ERR << "Could not read symbol table from file "
184  << word_syms_rxfilename;
186  int32 num_done = 0, num_err = 0;
187  double tot_like = 0.0;
188  int64 num_frames = 0;
190  SequentialTokenVectorReader spk2utt_reader(spk2utt_rspecifier);
191  RandomAccessTableReader<WaveHolder> wav_reader(wav_rspecifier);
192  CompactLatticeWriter clat_writer(clat_wspecifier);
194  OnlineTimingStats timing_stats;
196  for (; !spk2utt_reader.Done(); spk2utt_reader.Next()) {
197  std::string spk = spk2utt_reader.Key();
198  const std::vector<std::string> &uttlist = spk2utt_reader.Value();
199  OnlineIvectorExtractorAdaptationState adaptation_state(
200  feature_info.ivector_extractor_info);
201  for (size_t i = 0; i < uttlist.size(); i++) {
202  std::string utt = uttlist[i];
203  if (!wav_reader.HasKey(utt)) {
204  KALDI_WARN << "Did not find audio for utterance " << utt;
205  num_err++;
206  continue;
207  }
208  const WaveData &wave_data = wav_reader.Value(utt);
209  // get the data for channel zero (if the signal is not mono, we only
210  // take the first channel).
211  SubVector<BaseFloat> data(wave_data.Data(), 0);
213  OnlineNnet2FeaturePipeline feature_pipeline(feature_info);
214  feature_pipeline.SetAdaptationState(adaptation_state);
216  OnlineSilenceWeighting silence_weighting(
217  trans_model,
218  feature_info.silence_weighting_config,
219  decodable_opts.frame_subsampling_factor);
221  SingleUtteranceNnet3IncrementalDecoder decoder(decoder_opts, trans_model,
222  decodable_info,
223  *decode_fst, &feature_pipeline);
224  OnlineTimer decoding_timer(utt);
226  BaseFloat samp_freq = wave_data.SampFreq();
227  int32 chunk_length;
228  if (chunk_length_secs > 0) {
229  chunk_length = int32(samp_freq * chunk_length_secs);
230  if (chunk_length == 0) chunk_length = 1;
231  } else {
232  chunk_length = std::numeric_limits<int32>::max();
233  }
235  int32 samp_offset = 0;
236  std::vector<std::pair<int32, BaseFloat> > delta_weights;
238  while (samp_offset < data.Dim()) {
239  int32 samp_remaining = data.Dim() - samp_offset;
240  int32 num_samp = chunk_length < samp_remaining ? chunk_length
241  : samp_remaining;
243  SubVector<BaseFloat> wave_part(data, samp_offset, num_samp);
244  feature_pipeline.AcceptWaveform(samp_freq, wave_part);
246  samp_offset += num_samp;
247  decoding_timer.WaitUntil(samp_offset / samp_freq);
248  if (samp_offset == data.Dim()) {
249  // no more input. flush out last frames
250  feature_pipeline.InputFinished();
251  }
253  if (silence_weighting.Active() &&
254  feature_pipeline.IvectorFeature() != NULL) {
255  silence_weighting.ComputeCurrentTraceback(decoder.Decoder());
256  silence_weighting.GetDeltaWeights(feature_pipeline.NumFramesReady(),
257  &delta_weights);
258  feature_pipeline.IvectorFeature()->UpdateFrameWeights(delta_weights);
259  }
261  decoder.AdvanceDecoding();
263  if (do_endpointing && decoder.EndpointDetected(endpoint_opts)) {
264  break;
265  }
266  }
267  decoder.FinalizeDecoding();
269  bool use_final_probs = true;
270  CompactLattice clat = decoder.GetLattice(decoder.NumFramesDecoded(),
271  use_final_probs);
273  Connect(&clat);
274  GetDiagnosticsAndPrintOutput(utt, word_syms, clat,
275  &num_frames, &tot_like);
277  decoding_timer.OutputStats(&timing_stats);
279  // In an application you might avoid updating the adaptation state if
280  // you felt the utterance had low confidence. See lat/confidence.h
281  feature_pipeline.GetAdaptationState(&adaptation_state);
283  // we want to output the lattice with un-scaled acoustics.
284  BaseFloat inv_acoustic_scale =
285  1.0 / decodable_opts.acoustic_scale;
286  ScaleLattice(AcousticLatticeScale(inv_acoustic_scale), &clat);
288  clat_writer.Write(utt, clat);
289  KALDI_LOG << "Decoded utterance " << utt;
290  num_done++;
291  }
292  }
293  timing_stats.Print(online);
295  KALDI_LOG << "Decoded " << num_done << " utterances, "
296  << num_err << " with errors.";
297  KALDI_LOG << "Overall likelihood per frame was " << (tot_like / num_frames)
298  << " per frame over " << num_frames << " frames.";
299  delete decode_fst;
300  delete word_syms; // will delete if non-NULL.
301  return (num_done != 0 ? 0 : 1);
302  } catch(const std::exception& e) {
303  std::cerr << e.what();
304  return -1;
305  }
306 } // main()
This code computes Goodness of Pronunciation (GOP) and extracts phone-level pronunciation feature for...
Definition: chain.dox:20
void CollapseModel(const CollapseModelConfig &config, Nnet *nnet)
This function modifies the neural net for efficiency, in a way that suitable to be done in test time...
class OnlineTimer is used to test real-time decoding algorithms and evaluate how long the decoding of...
Definition: online-timing.h:88
This configuration class is to set up OnlineNnet2FeaturePipelineInfo, which in turn is the configurat...
Fst< StdArc > * ReadFstKaldiGeneric(std::string rxfilename, bool throw_on_err)
For an extended explanation of the framework of which grammar-fsts are a part, please see Support for...
Definition: graph.dox:21
int32 g_num_threads
This class stores the adaptation state from the online iVector extractor, which can help you to initi...
void SetBatchnormTestMode(bool test_mode, Nnet *nnet)
This function affects only components of type BatchNormComponent.
A templated class for writing objects to an archive or script file; see The Table concept...
Definition: kaldi-table.h:368
kaldi::int32 int32
BaseFloat SampFreq() const
Definition: wave-reader.h:126
const Matrix< BaseFloat > & Data() const
Definition: wave-reader.h:124
const Nnet & GetNnet() const
void Register(OptionsItf *opts)
void GetDiagnosticsAndPrintOutput(const std::string &utt, const fst::SymbolTable *word_syms, const CompactLattice &clat, int64 *tot_num_frames, double *tot_like)
This class is responsible for storing configuration variables, objects and options for OnlineNnet2Fea...
void Read(std::istream &is, bool binary)
Allows random access to a collection of objects in an archive or script file; see The Table concept...
Definition: kaldi-table.h:233
void SetDropoutTestMode(bool test_mode, Nnet *nnet)
This function affects components of child-classes of RandomComponent.
std::vector< std::vector< double > > AcousticLatticeScale(double acwt)
float BaseFloat
Definition: kaldi-types.h:29
The class ParseOptions is for parsing command-line options; see Parsing command-line options for more...
Definition: parse-options.h:36
void Print(bool online=true)
Here, if "online == false" we take into account that the setup was used in not-really-online mode whe...
void ScaleLattice(const std::vector< std::vector< ScaleFloat > > &scale, MutableFst< ArcTpl< Weight > > *fst)
Scales the pairs of weights in LatticeWeight or CompactLatticeWeight by viewing the pair (a...
void Read(std::istream &is, bool binary)
A templated class for reading objects sequentially from an archive or script file; see The Table conc...
Definition: kaldi-table.h:287
#define KALDI_ERR
Definition: kaldi-error.h:147
#define KALDI_WARN
Definition: kaldi-error.h:150
fst::VectorFst< CompactLatticeArc > CompactLattice
Definition: kaldi-lattice.h:46
This class&#39;s purpose is to read in Wave files.
Definition: wave-reader.h:106
The normal decoder, lattice-faster-decoder.h, sometimes has an issue when doing real-time application...
You will instantiate this class when you want to decode a single utterance using the online-decoding ...
OnlineNnet2FeaturePipeline is a class that&#39;s responsible for putting together the various parts of th...
class OnlineTimingStats stores statistics from timing of online decoding, which will enable the Print...
Definition: online-timing.h:41
#define KALDI_LOG
Definition: kaldi-error.h:153
When you instantiate class DecodableNnetSimpleLooped, you should give it a const reference to this cl...
Represents a non-allocating general vector which can be defined as a sub-vector of higher-level vecto...
Definition: kaldi-vector.h:501
Config class for the CollapseModel function.
Definition: nnet-utils.h:240