This documentation covers Karel Vesely's version of deep neural network code in Kaldi.
For an overview of all deep neural network code in Kaldi, see Deep Neural Networks in Kaldi, and for Dan's version, see Dan's DNN implementation.
The goal of this documentation is to provide useful information about the DNN recipe, and briefly describe neural network training tools. We'll start from the Top-level script, explain what happens in the Training script internals, show some Advanced features, and do a light introduction to the The C++ code with the focus on explaining how to extend it.
Let's have a look at the script egs/wsj/s5/local/nnet/ This script assumes to use a single CUDA GPU, and that kaldi was compiled with CUDA (check for 'CUDA = true' in src/ Also we assume that 'cuda_cmd' is set properly in egs/wsj/s5/ either to a GPU cluster node using '' or to a local machine using ''. And finally the script assumes we already have a SAT GMM system exp/tri4b and corresponding fMLLR transforms, as generated by egs/wsj/s5/ Note that for other databases the is typically in the same location s5/local/nnet/
The script egs/wsj/s5/local/nnet/ is split into several stages:
0. storing 40-dimensional fMLLR features to disk, steps/nnet/, this simplifies the training scripts, the 40-dimensional features are MFCC-LDA-MLLT-fMLLR with CMN
1. RBM pre-training, steps/nnet/, implemented according to Geoff Hinton's tutorial paper. The training algorithm is Contrastive Divergence with 1-step of Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling (CD-1). The first RBM has Gaussian-Bernoulli units, and following RBMs have Bernoulli-Bernoulli units. The hyper-parameters of the recipe were tuned on the 100h Switchboard subset. If smaller databases are used, mainly the number of epochs N needs to be set to 100h/set_size. The training is unsupervised, so it is sufficient to provide single data-directory with input features.
When training the RBM with Gaussian-Bernoulli units, there is a high risk of weight-explosion, especially with larger learning rates and thousands of hidden neurons. To avoid weight-explosion we implemented a mechanism, which compares the variance of training data with the variance of the reconstruction data in a minibatch. If the variance of reconstruction is >2x larger, the weights are shrinked and the learning rate is temporarily reduced.
2. Frame cross-entropy training, steps/nnet/, this phase trains a DNN which classifies frames into triphone-states (i.e. PDFs). This is done by mini-batch Stochastic Gradient Descent. The default is to use Sigmoid hidden units, Softmax output units and fully connected layers AffineTransform. The learning rate is 0.008, size of minibatch 256; we use no momentum or regularization (note.: the optimal learning-rate differs with type of hidden units, the value for sigmoid is 0.008, for tanh 0.00001)
The input_transform and the pre-trained DBN (i.e. Deep Belief Network, stack of RBMs) is passed into to the script using the options '–input-transform' and '–dbn', only the output layer is initialized randomly. We use early stopping to prevent over-fitting, for this we measure the objective function on the cross-validation set (i.e. held-out set), therefore two pairs of feature-alignment dirs are needed to perform the supervised training.
A good summary paper on DNN training is
3.,4.,5.,6. sMBR sequence-discriminative training, steps/nnet/, this phase trains the neural network to jointly optimize for whole sentences, which is closer to the general ASR objective than frame-level training.
Other interesting top-level scripts:
Besides the DNN recipe, there are also other example scripts which can be handy:
The main neural network training script steps/nnet/ is invoked as:
steps/nnet/ <data-train> <data-dev> <lang-dir> <ali-train> <ali-dev> <exp-dir>
The network input features are taken from data directories <data-train> <data-dev>, the training targets are taken from directories <ali-train> <ali-dev>. The <lang-dir> is used only in the special case when using LDA feature-transform, and to generate phoneme frame-count statistics from the alignment, it is not crucial for the training. The output (i.e. the trained networks and logfiles) goes into <exp-dir>.
Internally the script prepares the feature+target pipelines, generates a neural-network prototype and initialization, creates feature_transform and calls the scheduler script steps/nnet/, which runs the training epochs and controls the learning rate.
While looking inside steps/nnet/ we see:
1. CUDA is required, the scripts exit if no GPU was detected or was CUDA not compiled in (one can still use '–skip-cuda-check true' to run on CPU, but it is 10-20x slower)
2. alignment pipelines get prepared, the training tool requires targets in Posterior format, hence is used:
labels_tr="ark:ali-to-pdf $alidir/final.mdl \"ark:gunzip -c $alidir/ali.*.gz |\" ark:- | ali-to-post ark:- ark:- |" labels_cv="ark:ali-to-pdf $alidir/final.mdl \"ark:gunzip -c $alidir_cv/ali.*.gz |\" ark:- | ali-to-post ark:- ark:- |"
3. shuffled features get copied to /tmp/???/..., this can be disabled by '–copy-feats false', or location changed by '–copy-feats-tmproot <dir>'
4. the feature pipeline is prepared:
# begins with copy-feats: feats_tr="ark:copy-feats scp:$dir/train.scp ark:- |" feats_cv="ark:copy-feats scp:$dir/cv.scp ark:- |" # optionally apply-cmvn is appended: feats_tr="$feats_tr apply-cmvn --print-args=false --norm-vars=$norm_vars --utt2spk=ark:$data/utt2spk scp:$data/cmvn.scp ark:- ark:- |" feats_cv="$feats_cv apply-cmvn --print-args=false --norm-vars=$norm_vars --utt2spk=ark:$data_cv/utt2spk scp:$data_cv/cmvn.scp ark:- ark:- |" # optionally add-deltas is appended: feats_tr="$feats_tr add-deltas --delta-order=$delta_order ark:- ark:- |" feats_cv="$feats_cv add-deltas --delta-order=$delta_order ark:- ark:- |"
5. feature_transform is prepared :
6. a network prototype is generated in utils/nnet/
$ cat exp/dnn5b_pretrain-dbn_dnn/nnet.proto <NnetProto> <AffineTransform> <InputDim> 2048 <OutputDim> 3370 <BiasMean> 0.000000 <BiasRange> 0.000000 <ParamStddev> 0.067246 <Softmax> <InputDim> 3370 <OutputDim> 3370 </NnetProto>
7. the network is initialized by : , the DBN gets prepended in the next step using
8. finally the training gets called by running scheduler script steps/nnet/
Note : both neural networks and feature transforms can be viewed by, or shown in ascii by
While looking inside steps/nnet/ we see:
the initial cross-validation run and the main for-loop over $iter which runs the epochs and controls the learning rate. Typically, the is called from
The neural networks get stored into $dir/nnet, logs are stored in $dir/log:
1. The network names contain record of epoch number (iter), learning-rate, and objective function value on training and cross-validation set (i.e. held-out set)
$ ls exp/dnn5b_pretrain-dbn_dnn/nnet nnet_6.dbn_dnn_iter01_learnrate0.008_tr1.1919_cv1.5895 nnet_6.dbn_dnn_iter02_learnrate0.008_tr0.9566_cv1.5289 nnet_6.dbn_dnn_iter03_learnrate0.008_tr0.8819_cv1.4983 nnet_6.dbn_dnn_iter04_learnrate0.008_tr0.8347_cv1.5097_rejected nnet_6.dbn_dnn_iter05_learnrate0.004_tr0.8255_cv1.3760 nnet_6.dbn_dnn_iter06_learnrate0.002_tr0.7920_cv1.2981 nnet_6.dbn_dnn_iter07_learnrate0.001_tr0.7803_cv1.2412 ... nnet_6.dbn_dnn_iter19_learnrate2.44141e-07_tr0.7770_cv1.1448 nnet_6.dbn_dnn_iter20_learnrate1.2207e-07_tr0.7769_cv1.1446 nnet_6.dbn_dnn_iter20_learnrate1.2207e-07_tr0.7769_cv1.1446_final_
2. The logs are stored separately for training and cross-validation runs
Each logfile contains the command-line pipeline:
$ cat exp/dnn5b_pretrain-dbn_dnn/log/ nnet-train-frmshuff --learn-rate=0.008 --momentum=0 --l1-penalty=0 --l2-penalty=0 --minibatch-size=256 --randomizer-size=32768 --randomize=true --verbose=1 --binary=true --feature-transform=exp/dnn5b_pretrain-dbn_dnn/final.feature_transform --randomizer-seed=777 'ark:copy-feats scp:exp/dnn5b_pretrain-dbn_dnn/train.scp ark:- |' 'ark:ali-to-pdf exp/tri4b_ali_si284/final.mdl "ark:gunzip -c exp/tri4b_ali_si284/ali.*.gz |" ark:- | ali-to-post ark:- ark:- |' exp/dnn5b_pretrain-dbn_dnn/nnet_6.dbn_dnn.init exp/dnn5b_pretrain-dbn_dnn/nnet/nnet_6.dbn_dnn_iter01
info about which gpu is used:
LOG (nnet-train-frmshuff:IsComputeExclusive() CUDA setup operating under Compute Exclusive Process Mode. LOG (nnet-train-frmshuff:FinalizeActiveGpu() The active GPU is [1]: GeForce GTX 780 Ti free:2974M, used:97M, total:3071M, free/total:0.968278 version 3.5
internal statistics from the neural network training which are prepared by Nnet::InfoPropagate, Nnet::InfoBackPropagate and Nnet::InfoGradient. They get printed once at the beginning of an epoch and a second time at the end of the epoch. Note that these per-component statistics can be particularly handy when debugging the network training while implementing some new feature, so one can compare with reference values or expected values:
VLOG[1] (nnet-train-frmshuff:main() ### After 0 frames, VLOG[1] (nnet-train-frmshuff:main() ### Forward propagation buffer content : [1] output of <Input> ( min -6.1832, max 7.46296, mean 0.00260791, variance 0.964268, skewness -0.0622335, kurtosis 2.18525 ) [2] output of <AffineTransform> ( min -18.087, max 11.6435, mean -3.37778, variance 3.2801, skewness -3.40761, kurtosis 11.813 ) [3] output of <Sigmoid> ( min 1.39614e-08, max 0.999991, mean 0.085897, variance 0.0249875, skewness 4.65894, kurtosis 20.5913 ) [4] output of <AffineTransform> ( min -17.3738, max 14.4763, mean -2.69318, variance 2.08086, skewness -3.53642, kurtosis 13.9192 ) [5] output of <Sigmoid> ( min 2.84888e-08, max 0.999999, mean 0.108987, variance 0.0215204, skewness 4.78276, kurtosis 21.6807 ) [6] output of <AffineTransform> ( min -16.3061, max 10.9503, mean -3.65226, variance 2.49196, skewness -3.26134, kurtosis 12.1138 ) [7] output of <Sigmoid> ( min 8.28647e-08, max 0.999982, mean 0.0657602, variance 0.0212138, skewness 5.18622, kurtosis 26.2368 ) [8] output of <AffineTransform> ( min -19.9429, max 12.5567, mean -3.64982, variance 2.49913, skewness -3.2291, kurtosis 12.3174 ) [9] output of <Sigmoid> ( min 2.1823e-09, max 0.999996, mean 0.0671024, variance 0.0216422, skewness 5.07312, kurtosis 24.9565 ) [10] output of <AffineTransform> ( min -16.79, max 11.2748, mean -4.03986, variance 2.15785, skewness -3.13305, kurtosis 13.9256 ) [11] output of <Sigmoid> ( min 5.10745e-08, max 0.999987, mean 0.0492051, variance 0.0194567, skewness 5.73048, kurtosis 32.0733 ) [12] output of <AffineTransform> ( min -24.0731, max 13.8856, mean -4.00245, variance 2.16964, skewness -3.14425, kurtosis 16.7714 ) [13] output of <Sigmoid> ( min 3.50889e-11, max 0.999999, mean 0.0501351, variance 0.0200421, skewness 5.67209, kurtosis 31.1902 ) [14] output of <AffineTransform> ( min -2.53919, max 2.62531, mean -0.00363421, variance 0.209117, skewness -0.0302545, kurtosis 0.63143 ) [15] output of <Softmax> ( min 2.01032e-05, max 0.00347782, mean 0.000296736, variance 2.08593e-08, skewness 6.14324, kurtosis 35.6034 ) VLOG[1] (nnet-train-frmshuff:main() ### Backward propagation buffer content : [1] diff-output of <AffineTransform> ( min -0.0256142, max 0.0447016, mean 1.60589e-05, variance 7.34959e-07, skewness 1.50607, kurtosis 97.2922 ) [2] diff-output of <Sigmoid> ( min -0.10395, max 0.20643, mean -2.03144e-05, variance 5.40825e-05, skewness 0.226897, kurtosis 10.865 ) [3] diff-output of <AffineTransform> ( min -0.0246385, max 0.033782, mean 1.49055e-05, variance 7.2849e-07, skewness 0.71967, kurtosis 47.0307 ) [4] diff-output of <Sigmoid> ( min -0.137561, max 0.177565, mean -4.91158e-05, variance 4.85621e-05, skewness 0.020871, kurtosis 7.7897 ) [5] diff-output of <AffineTransform> ( min -0.0311345, max 0.0366407, mean 1.38255e-05, variance 7.76937e-07, skewness 0.886642, kurtosis 70.409 ) [6] diff-output of <Sigmoid> ( min -0.154734, max 0.166145, mean -3.83602e-05, variance 5.84839e-05, skewness 0.127536, kurtosis 8.54924 ) [7] diff-output of <AffineTransform> ( min -0.0236995, max 0.0353677, mean 1.29041e-05, variance 9.17979e-07, skewness 0.710979, kurtosis 48.1876 ) [8] diff-output of <Sigmoid> ( min -0.103117, max 0.146624, mean -3.74798e-05, variance 6.17777e-05, skewness 0.0458594, kurtosis 8.37983 ) [9] diff-output of <AffineTransform> ( min -0.0249271, max 0.0315759, mean 1.0794e-05, variance 1.2015e-06, skewness 0.703888, kurtosis 53.6606 ) [10] diff-output of <Sigmoid> ( min -0.147389, max 0.131032, mean -0.00014309, variance 0.000149306, skewness 0.0190403, kurtosis 5.48604 ) [11] diff-output of <AffineTransform> ( min -0.057817, max 0.0662253, mean 2.12237e-05, variance 1.21929e-05, skewness 0.332498, kurtosis 35.9619 ) [12] diff-output of <Sigmoid> ( min -0.311655, max 0.331862, mean 0.00031612, variance 0.00449583, skewness 0.00369107, kurtosis -0.0220473 ) [13] diff-output of <AffineTransform> ( min -0.999905, max 0.00347782, mean -1.33212e-12, variance 0.00029666, skewness -58.0197, kurtosis 3364.53 ) VLOG[1] (nnet-train-frmshuff:main() ### Gradient stats : Component 1 : <AffineTransform>, linearity_grad ( min -0.204042, max 0.190719, mean 0.000166458, variance 0.000231224, skewness 0.00769091, kurtosis 5.07687 ) bias_grad ( min -0.101453, max 0.0885828, mean 0.00411107, variance 0.000271452, skewness 0.728702, kurtosis 3.7276 ) Component 2 : <Sigmoid>, Component 3 : <AffineTransform>, linearity_grad ( min -0.108358, max 0.0843307, mean 0.000361943, variance 8.64557e-06, skewness 1.0407, kurtosis 21.355 ) bias_grad ( min -0.0658942, max 0.0973828, mean 0.0038158, variance 0.000288088, skewness 0.68505, kurtosis 1.74937 ) Component 4 : <Sigmoid>, Component 5 : <AffineTransform>, linearity_grad ( min -0.186918, max 0.141044, mean 0.000419367, variance 9.76016e-06, skewness 0.718714, kurtosis 40.6093 ) bias_grad ( min -0.167046, max 0.136064, mean 0.00353932, variance 0.000322016, skewness 0.464214, kurtosis 8.90469 ) Component 6 : <Sigmoid>, Component 7 : <AffineTransform>, linearity_grad ( min -0.134063, max 0.149993, mean 0.000249893, variance 9.18434e-06, skewness 1.61637, kurtosis 60.0989 ) bias_grad ( min -0.165298, max 0.131958, mean 0.00330344, variance 0.000438555, skewness 0.739655, kurtosis 6.9461 ) Component 8 : <Sigmoid>, Component 9 : <AffineTransform>, linearity_grad ( min -0.264095, max 0.27436, mean 0.000214027, variance 1.25338e-05, skewness 0.961544, kurtosis 184.881 ) bias_grad ( min -0.28208, max 0.273459, mean 0.00276327, variance 0.00060129, skewness 0.149445, kurtosis 21.2175 ) Component 10 : <Sigmoid>, Component 11 : <AffineTransform>, linearity_grad ( min -0.877651, max 0.811671, mean 0.000313385, variance 0.000122102, skewness -1.06983, kurtosis 395.3 ) bias_grad ( min -1.01687, max 0.640236, mean 0.00543326, variance 0.00977744, skewness -0.473956, kurtosis 14.3907 ) Component 12 : <Sigmoid>, Component 13 : <AffineTransform>, linearity_grad ( min -22.7678, max 0.0922921, mean -5.66685e-11, variance 0.00451415, skewness -151.169, kurtosis 41592.4 ) bias_grad ( min -22.8996, max 0.170164, mean -8.6555e-10, variance 0.421778, skewness -27.1075, kurtosis 884.01 ) Component 14 : <Softmax>,
a summary log with the whole-set objective function value, its progress vector generated with 1h steps, and the frame accuracy:
LOG (nnet-train-frmshuff:main() Done 34432 files, 21 with no tgt_mats, 0 with other errors. [TRAINING, RANDOMIZED, 50.8057 min, fps8961.77] LOG (nnet-train-frmshuff:main() AvgLoss: 1.19191 (Xent), [AvgXent: 1.19191, AvgTargetEnt: 0] progress: [3.09478 1.92798 1.702 1.58763 1.49913 1.45936 1.40532 1.39672 1.355 1.34153 1.32753 1.30449 1.2725 1.2789 1.26154 1.25145 1.21521 1.24302 1.21865 1.2491 1.21729 1.19987 1.18887 1.16436 1.14782 1.16153 1.1881 1.1606 1.16369 1.16015 1.14077 1.11835 1.15213 1.11746 1.10557 1.1493 1.09608 1.10037 1.0974 1.09289 1.11857 1.09143 1.0766 1.08736 1.10586 1.08362 1.0885 1.07366 1.08279 1.03923 1.06073 1.10483 1.0773 1.0621 1.06251 1.07252 1.06945 1.06684 1.08892 1.07159 1.06216 1.05492 1.06508 1.08979 1.05842 1.04331 1.05885 1.05186 1.04255 1.06586 1.02833 1.06131 1.01124 1.03413 0.997029 ] FRAME_ACCURACY >> 65.6546% <<
the log ends by CUDA profiling info, the CuMatrix::AddMatMat is matrix multiplication and takes most of the time:
[cudevice profile] Destroy 23.0389s AddVec 24.0874s CuMatrixBase::CopyFromMat(from other CuMatrixBase) 29.5765s AddVecToRows 29.7164s CuVector::SetZero 37.7405s DiffSigmoid 37.7669s CuMatrix::Resize 41.8662s FindRowMaxId 42.1923s Sigmoid 48.6683s CuVector::Resize 56.4445s AddRowSumMat 75.0928s CuMatrix::SetZero 86.5347s CuMatrixBase::CopyFromMat(from CPU) 166.27s AddMat 174.307s AddMatMat 1922.11s
Running steps/nnet/ directly:
The nnet1 related binaries are located in src/nnetbin, the important tools are :
The following print from shows the "feature_transform" corresponding to '–feat-type plain' of steps/nnet/, it contains 3 components:
$ nnet-info exp/dnn5b_pretrain-dbn_dnn/final.feature_transform num-components 3 input-dim 40 output-dim 440 number-of-parameters 0.00088 millions component 1 : <Splice>, input-dim 40, output-dim 440, frame_offsets [ -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 ] component 2 : <AddShift>, input-dim 440, output-dim 440, shift_data ( min -0.265986, max 0.387861, mean -0.00988686, variance 0.00884029, skewness 1.36947, kurtosis 7.2531 ) component 3 : <Rescale>, input-dim 440, output-dim 440, scale_data ( min 0.340899, max 1.04779, mean 0.838518, variance 0.0265105, skewness -1.07004, kurtosis 0.697634 ) LOG (nnet-info:main() Printed info about exp/dnn5b_pretrain-dbn_dnn/final.feature_transform
The next print shows a neural network with 6 hidden layers:
$ nnet-info exp/dnn5b_pretrain-dbn_dnn/final.nnet num-components 14 input-dim 440 output-dim 3370 number-of-parameters 28.7901 millions component 1 : <AffineTransform>, input-dim 440, output-dim 2048, linearity ( min -8.31865, max 12.6115, mean 6.19398e-05, variance 0.0480065, skewness 0.234115, kurtosis 56.5045 ) bias ( min -11.9908, max 3.94632, mean -5.23527, variance 1.52956, skewness 1.21429, kurtosis 7.1279 ) component 2 : <Sigmoid>, input-dim 2048, output-dim 2048, component 3 : <AffineTransform>, input-dim 2048, output-dim 2048, linearity ( min -2.85905, max 2.62576, mean -0.00995374, variance 0.0196688, skewness 0.145988, kurtosis 5.13826 ) bias ( min -18.4214, max 2.76041, mean -2.63403, variance 1.08654, skewness -1.94598, kurtosis 29.1847 ) component 4 : <Sigmoid>, input-dim 2048, output-dim 2048, component 5 : <AffineTransform>, input-dim 2048, output-dim 2048, linearity ( min -2.93331, max 3.39389, mean -0.00912637, variance 0.0164175, skewness 0.115911, kurtosis 5.72574 ) bias ( min -5.02961, max 2.63683, mean -3.36246, variance 0.861059, skewness 0.933722, kurtosis 2.02732 ) component 6 : <Sigmoid>, input-dim 2048, output-dim 2048, component 7 : <AffineTransform>, input-dim 2048, output-dim 2048, linearity ( min -2.18591, max 2.53624, mean -0.00286483, variance 0.0120785, skewness 0.514589, kurtosis 15.7519 ) bias ( min -10.0615, max 3.87953, mean -3.52258, variance 1.25346, skewness 0.878727, kurtosis 2.35523 ) component 8 : <Sigmoid>, input-dim 2048, output-dim 2048, component 9 : <AffineTransform>, input-dim 2048, output-dim 2048, linearity ( min -2.3888, max 2.7677, mean -0.00210424, variance 0.0101205, skewness 0.688473, kurtosis 23.6768 ) bias ( min -5.40521, max 1.78146, mean -3.83588, variance 0.869442, skewness 1.60263, kurtosis 3.52121 ) component 10 : <Sigmoid>, input-dim 2048, output-dim 2048, component 11 : <AffineTransform>, input-dim 2048, output-dim 2048, linearity ( min -2.9244, max 3.0957, mean -0.00475199, variance 0.0112682, skewness 0.372597, kurtosis 25.8144 ) bias ( min -6.00325, max 1.89201, mean -3.96037, variance 0.847698, skewness 1.79783, kurtosis 3.90105 ) component 12 : <Sigmoid>, input-dim 2048, output-dim 2048, component 13 : <AffineTransform>, input-dim 2048, output-dim 3370, linearity ( min -2.0501, max 5.96146, mean 0.000392621, variance 0.0260072, skewness 0.678868, kurtosis 5.67934 ) bias ( min -0.563231, max 6.73992, mean 0.000585582, variance 0.095558, skewness 9.46447, kurtosis 177.833 ) component 14 : <Softmax>, input-dim 3370, output-dim 3370, LOG (nnet-info:main() Printed info about exp/dnn5b_pretrain-dbn_dnn/final.nnet
call steps/nnet/ with option :
--frame-weights <weights-rspecifier>
where <weights-rspecifier> is typically ark file with float vectors with per-frame weights,
call steps/nnet/ with options
--labels <posterior-rspecifier> --num-tgt <dim-output>
while ali-dirs and lang-dir become dummy dirs. The "<posterior-rspecifier>" is typically ark file with Posterior stored, and the "<dim-output>" is the number of neural network outputs. Here the Posterior does not have probabilistic meaning, it is simply a data-type carrier for representing the targets, and the target values can be arbitrary float numbers.
When training with a single label per-frame (i.e. the 1-hot encoding), one can prepare an ark-file with integer vectors having the same length as the input features. The elements of this integer vector encode the indices of the target class, which corresponds to the target value being 1 at the neural network output with that index. The integer vectors get converted to Posterior using, and the integer vector format is simple:
utt1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 ... 9 9 9 utt2 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 ... 9 9 9
In the case of multiple non-zero targets, one can prepare the Posterior directly in ascii format
utt1 [ 0 0.9991834 64 0.0008166544 ] [ 1 1 ] [ 0 1 ] [ 111 1 ] [ 0 1 ] [ 63 1 ] [ 0 1 ] [ 135 1 ] [ 0 1 ] [ 162 1 ] [ 0 1 ] [ 1 0.9937257 12 0.006274292 ] [ 0 1 ]
The external targets are used in the autoencoder example egs/timit/s5/local/nnet/
call steps/nnet/ with the options
--train-tool "nnet-train-frmshuff --objective-function=mse" --proto-opts "--no-softmax --activation-type=<Tanh> --hid-bias-mean=0.0 --hid-bias-range=1.0"
the mean-square error training is used in autoencoder example egs/timit/s5/local/nnet/
call steps/nnet/ with option
--proto-opts "--activation-type=<Tanh> --hid-bias-mean=0.0 --hid-bias-range=1.0"
the optimal learning rate is smaller than with sigmoid, usually 0.00001 is good
In Kaldi, there are 2 DNN setups Karel's (this page) and Dan's Dan's DNN implementation. The setups use incompatible DNN formats, while there is a converter of Karel's DNN into Dan's format.
The nnet1 code is located at src/nnet, the tools are at src/nnetbin. It is based on src/cudamatrix.
The neural network consists of building blocks called Component, which can be for example AffineTransform or a non-linearity Sigmoid, Softmax. A single DNN "layer" is typically composed of two components : the AffineTransform and a non-linearity.
The class which represents neural networks: Nnet is holding a vector of Component pointers Nnet::components_. The important methods of Nnet are :
For debugging purposes, the components and buffers are accessible via Nnet::GetComponent, Nnet::PropagateBuffer, Nnet::BackpropagateBuffer.
When creating a new Component, you need to use one of the two interfaces:
1. Component : a building block, contains no trainable parameters (see example of implementation nnet-activation.h)
2. UpdatableComponent : child of Component, a building block with trainable parameters (implemented for example in nnet-affine-transform.h)
The important virtual methods to implement are (not a complete list) :
Extending the NN framework by a new component is not too difficult, you need to :
1. define new entry to Component::ComponentType
2. define a new line in table Component::kMarkerMap
3. add a "new Component" call to the factory-like function Component::Read
4. implement all the virtual methods of the interface Component or UpdatableComponent