Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // decoder/
3 // Copyright 2009-2012 Microsoft Corporation
4 // 2013-2014 Johns Hopkins University (Author: Daniel Povey)
5 // 2014 Guoguo Chen
7 // See ../../COPYING for clarification regarding multiple authors
8 //
9 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
10 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
11 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
12 //
13 //
14 //
19 // See the Apache 2 License for the specific language governing permissions and
20 // limitations under the License.
22 #include "lattice-simple-decoder.h"
24 namespace kaldi {
28  // clean up from last time:
29  cur_toks_.clear();
30  prev_toks_.clear();
32  warned_ = false;
33  decoding_finalized_ = false;
34  final_costs_.clear();
35  num_toks_ = 0;
36  StateId start_state = fst_.Start();
37  KALDI_ASSERT(start_state != fst::kNoStateId);
38  active_toks_.resize(1);
39  Token *start_tok = new Token(0.0, 0.0, NULL, NULL);
40  active_toks_[0].toks = start_tok;
41  cur_toks_[start_state] = start_tok;
42  num_toks_++;
44 }
47  InitDecoding();
49  while (!decodable->IsLastFrame(NumFramesDecoded() - 1)) {
52  ProcessEmitting(decodable);
53  // Important to call PruneCurrentTokens before ProcessNonemitting, or we
54  // would get dangling forward pointers. Anyway, ProcessNonemitting uses the
55  // beam.
58  }
61  // Returns true if we have any kind of traceback available (not necessarily
62  // to the end state; query ReachedFinal() for that).
63  return !final_costs_.empty();
64 }
66 // Outputs an FST corresponding to the single best path
67 // through the lattice.
69  bool use_final_probs) const {
70  fst::VectorFst<LatticeArc> fst;
71  GetRawLattice(&fst, use_final_probs);
72  ShortestPath(fst, ofst);
73  return (ofst->NumStates() > 0);
74 }
76 // Outputs an FST corresponding to the raw, state-level
77 // tracebacks.
79  bool use_final_probs) const {
80  typedef LatticeArc Arc;
81  typedef Arc::StateId StateId;
82  typedef Arc::Weight Weight;
83  typedef Arc::Label Label;
85  // Note: you can't use the old interface (Decode()) if you want to
86  // get the lattice with use_final_probs = false. You'd have to do
87  // InitDecoding() and then AdvanceDecoding().
88  if (decoding_finalized_ && !use_final_probs)
89  KALDI_ERR << "You cannot call FinalizeDecoding() and then call "
90  << "GetRawLattice() with use_final_probs == false";
92  unordered_map<Token*, BaseFloat> final_costs_local;
94  const unordered_map<Token*, BaseFloat> &final_costs =
95  (decoding_finalized_ ? final_costs_ : final_costs_local);
97  if (!decoding_finalized_ && use_final_probs)
98  ComputeFinalCosts(&final_costs_local, NULL, NULL);
100  ofst->DeleteStates();
101  int32 num_frames = NumFramesDecoded();
102  KALDI_ASSERT(num_frames > 0);
103  const int32 bucket_count = num_toks_/2 + 3;
104  unordered_map<Token*, StateId> tok_map(bucket_count);
105  // First create all states.
106  for (int32 f = 0; f <= num_frames; f++) {
107  if (active_toks_[f].toks == NULL) {
108  KALDI_WARN << "GetRawLattice: no tokens active on frame " << f
109  << ": not producing lattice.\n";
110  return false;
111  }
112  for (Token *tok = active_toks_[f].toks; tok != NULL; tok = tok->next)
113  tok_map[tok] = ofst->AddState();
114  // The next statement sets the start state of the output FST.
115  // Because we always add new states to the head of the list
116  // active_toks_[f].toks, and the start state was the first one
117  // added, it will be the last one added to ofst.
118  if (f == 0 && ofst->NumStates() > 0)
119  ofst->SetStart(ofst->NumStates()-1);
120  }
121  StateId cur_state = 0; // we rely on the fact that we numbered these
122  // consecutively (AddState() returns the numbers in order..)
123  for (int32 f = 0; f <= num_frames; f++) {
124  for (Token *tok = active_toks_[f].toks; tok != NULL; tok = tok->next,
125  cur_state++) {
126  for (ForwardLink *l = tok->links;
127  l != NULL;
128  l = l->next) {
129  unordered_map<Token*, StateId>::const_iterator iter =
130  tok_map.find(l->next_tok);
131  StateId nextstate = iter->second;
132  KALDI_ASSERT(iter != tok_map.end());
133  Arc arc(l->ilabel, l->olabel,
134  Weight(l->graph_cost, l->acoustic_cost),
135  nextstate);
136  ofst->AddArc(cur_state, arc);
137  }
138  if (f == num_frames) {
139  if (use_final_probs && !final_costs.empty()) {
140  unordered_map<Token*, BaseFloat>::const_iterator iter =
141  final_costs.find(tok);
142  if (iter != final_costs.end())
143  ofst->SetFinal(cur_state, LatticeWeight(iter->second, 0));
144  } else {
145  ofst->SetFinal(cur_state, LatticeWeight::One());
146  }
147  }
148  }
149  }
150  KALDI_ASSERT(cur_state == ofst->NumStates());
151  return (cur_state != 0);
152 }
154 // This function is now deprecated, since now we do determinization from outside
155 // the LatticeSimpleDecoder class.
156 // Outputs an FST corresponding to the lattice-determinized
157 // lattice (one path per word sequence).
159  CompactLattice *ofst,
160  bool use_final_probs) const {
161  Lattice raw_fst;
162  GetRawLattice(&raw_fst, use_final_probs);
163  Invert(&raw_fst); // make it so word labels are on the input.
164  if (!TopSort(&raw_fst)) // topological sort makes lattice-determinization more efficient
165  KALDI_WARN << "Topological sorting of state-level lattice failed "
166  "(probably your lexicon has empty words or your LM has epsilon cycles; this "
167  " is a bad idea.)";
168  // (in phase where we get backward-costs).
169  fst::ILabelCompare<LatticeArc> ilabel_comp;
170  ArcSort(&raw_fst, ilabel_comp); // sort on ilabel; makes
171  // lattice-determinization more efficient.
174  lat_opts.max_mem = config_.det_opts.max_mem;
176  DeterminizeLatticePruned(raw_fst, config_.lattice_beam, ofst, lat_opts);
177  raw_fst.DeleteStates(); // Free memory-- raw_fst no longer needed.
178  Connect(ofst); // Remove unreachable states... there might be
179  // a small number of these, in some cases.
180  // Note: if something went wrong and the raw lattice was empty,
181  // we should still get to this point in the code without warnings or failures.
182  return (ofst->NumStates() != 0);
183 }
187 // FindOrAddToken either locates a token in cur_toks_, or if necessary inserts a new,
188 // empty token (i.e. with no forward links) for the current frame. [note: it's
189 // inserted if necessary into cur_toks_ and also into the singly linked list
190 // of tokens active on this frame (whose head is at active_toks_[frame]).
191 //
192 // Returns the Token pointer. Sets "changed" (if non-NULL) to true
193 // if the token was newly created or the cost changed.
195  StateId state, int32 frame, BaseFloat tot_cost,
196  bool emitting, bool *changed) {
197  KALDI_ASSERT(frame < active_toks_.size());
198  Token *&toks = active_toks_[frame].toks;
200  unordered_map<StateId, Token*>::iterator find_iter = cur_toks_.find(state);
201  if (find_iter == cur_toks_.end()) { // no such token presently.
202  // Create one.
203  const BaseFloat extra_cost = 0.0;
204  // tokens on the currently final frame have zero extra_cost
205  // as any of them could end up
206  // on the winning path.
207  Token *new_tok = new Token (tot_cost, extra_cost, NULL, toks);
208  toks = new_tok;
209  num_toks_++;
210  cur_toks_[state] = new_tok;
211  if (changed) *changed = true;
212  return new_tok;
213  } else {
214  Token *tok = find_iter->second; // There is an existing Token for this state.
215  if (tok->tot_cost > tot_cost) {
216  tok->tot_cost = tot_cost;
217  if (changed) *changed = true;
218  } else {
219  if (changed) *changed = false;
220  }
221  return tok;
222  }
223 }
225 // delta is the amount by which the extra_costs must
226 // change before it sets "extra_costs_changed" to true. If delta is larger,
227 // we'll tend to go back less far toward the beginning of the file.
229  int32 frame, bool *extra_costs_changed,
230  bool *links_pruned, BaseFloat delta) {
231  // We have to iterate until there is no more change, because the links
232  // are not guaranteed to be in topological order.
234  *extra_costs_changed = false;
235  *links_pruned = false;
236  KALDI_ASSERT(frame >= 0 && frame < active_toks_.size());
237  if (active_toks_[frame].toks == NULL ) { // empty list; this should
238  // not happen.
239  if (!warned_) {
240  KALDI_WARN << "No tokens alive [doing pruning].. warning first "
241  "time only for each utterance\n";
242  warned_ = true;
243  }
244  }
246  bool changed = true;
247  while (changed) {
248  changed = false;
249  for (Token *tok = active_toks_[frame].toks; tok != NULL; tok = tok->next) {
250  ForwardLink *link, *prev_link = NULL;
251  // will recompute tok_extra_cost.
252  BaseFloat tok_extra_cost = std::numeric_limits<BaseFloat>::infinity();
253  for (link = tok->links; link != NULL; ) {
254  // See if we need to excise this link...
255  Token *next_tok = link->next_tok;
256  BaseFloat link_extra_cost = next_tok->extra_cost +
257  ((tok->tot_cost + link->acoustic_cost + link->graph_cost)
258  - next_tok->tot_cost);
259  KALDI_ASSERT(link_extra_cost == link_extra_cost); // check for NaN
260  if (link_extra_cost > config_.lattice_beam) { // excise link
261  ForwardLink *next_link = link->next;
262  if (prev_link != NULL) prev_link->next = next_link;
263  else tok->links = next_link;
264  delete link;
265  link = next_link; // advance link but leave prev_link the same.
266  *links_pruned = true;
267  } else { // keep the link and update the tok_extra_cost if needed.
268  if (link_extra_cost < 0.0) { // this is just a precaution.
269  if (link_extra_cost < -0.01)
270  KALDI_WARN << "Negative extra_cost: " << link_extra_cost;
271  link_extra_cost = 0.0;
272  }
273  if (link_extra_cost < tok_extra_cost)
274  tok_extra_cost = link_extra_cost;
275  prev_link = link;
276  link = link->next;
277  }
278  }
279  if (fabs(tok_extra_cost - tok->extra_cost) > delta)
280  changed = true;
281  tok->extra_cost = tok_extra_cost; // will be +infinity or <= lattice_beam_.
282  }
283  if (changed) *extra_costs_changed = true;
285  // Note: it's theoretically possible that aggressive compiler
286  // optimizations could cause an infinite loop here for small delta and
287  // high-dynamic-range scores.
288  }
289 }
293  unordered_map<Token*, BaseFloat> *final_costs,
294  BaseFloat *final_relative_cost,
295  BaseFloat *final_best_cost) const {
297  if (final_costs != NULL)
298  final_costs->clear();
300  BaseFloat infinity = std::numeric_limits<BaseFloat>::infinity();
301  BaseFloat best_cost = infinity,
302  best_cost_with_final = infinity;
304  for (unordered_map<StateId, Token*>::const_iterator iter = cur_toks_.begin();
305  iter != cur_toks_.end(); ++iter) {
306  StateId state = iter->first;
307  Token *tok = iter->second;
308  BaseFloat final_cost = fst_.Final(state).Value();
309  BaseFloat cost = tok->tot_cost,
310  cost_with_final = cost + final_cost;
311  best_cost = std::min(cost, best_cost);
312  best_cost_with_final = std::min(cost_with_final, best_cost_with_final);
313  if (final_costs != NULL && final_cost != infinity)
314  (*final_costs)[tok] = final_cost;
315  }
316  if (final_relative_cost != NULL) {
317  if (best_cost == infinity && best_cost_with_final == infinity) {
318  // Likely this will only happen if there are no tokens surviving.
319  // This seems the least bad way to handle it.
320  *final_relative_cost = infinity;
321  } else {
322  *final_relative_cost = best_cost_with_final - best_cost;
323  }
324  }
325  if (final_best_cost != NULL) {
326  if (best_cost_with_final != infinity) { // final-state exists.
327  *final_best_cost = best_cost_with_final;
328  } else { // no final-state exists.
329  *final_best_cost = best_cost;
330  }
331  }
332 }
335 // PruneForwardLinksFinal is a version of PruneForwardLinks that we call
336 // on the final frame. If there are final tokens active, it uses the final-probs
337 // for pruning, otherwise it treats all tokens as final.
339  KALDI_ASSERT(!active_toks_.empty());
340  int32 frame_plus_one = active_toks_.size() - 1;
342  if (active_toks_[frame_plus_one].toks == NULL) // empty list; should not happen.
343  KALDI_WARN << "No tokens alive at end of file\n";
345  typedef unordered_map<Token*, BaseFloat>::const_iterator IterType;
347  decoding_finalized_ = true;
348  // We're about to delete some of the tokens active on the final frame, so we
349  // clear cur_toks_ because otherwise it would then contain dangling pointers.
350  cur_toks_.clear();
352  // Now go through tokens on this frame, pruning forward links... may have to
353  // iterate a few times until there is no more change, because the list is not
354  // in topological order. This is a modified version of the code in
355  // PruneForwardLinks, but here we also take account of the final-probs.
356  bool changed = true;
357  BaseFloat delta = 1.0e-05;
358  while (changed) {
359  changed = false;
360  for (Token *tok = active_toks_[frame_plus_one].toks;
361  tok != NULL; tok = tok->next) {
362  ForwardLink *link, *prev_link=NULL;
363  // will recompute tok_extra_cost. It has a term in it that corresponds
364  // to the "final-prob", so instead of initializing tok_extra_cost to infinity
365  // below we set it to the difference between the (score+final_prob) of this token,
366  // and the best such (score+final_prob).
368  BaseFloat final_cost;
369  if (final_costs_.empty()) {
370  final_cost = 0.0;
371  } else {
372  IterType iter = final_costs_.find(tok);
373  if (iter != final_costs_.end())
374  final_cost = iter->second;
375  else
376  final_cost = std::numeric_limits<BaseFloat>::infinity();
377  }
378  BaseFloat tok_extra_cost = tok->tot_cost + final_cost - final_best_cost_;
379  // tok_extra_cost will be a "min" over either directly being final, or
380  // being indirectly final through other links, and the loop below may
381  // decrease its value:
382  for (link = tok->links; link != NULL; ) {
383  // See if we need to excise this link...
384  Token *next_tok = link->next_tok;
385  BaseFloat link_extra_cost = next_tok->extra_cost +
386  ((tok->tot_cost + link->acoustic_cost + link->graph_cost)
387  - next_tok->tot_cost);
388  if (link_extra_cost > config_.lattice_beam) { // excise link
389  ForwardLink *next_link = link->next;
390  if (prev_link != NULL) prev_link->next = next_link;
391  else tok->links = next_link;
392  delete link;
393  link = next_link; // advance link but leave prev_link the same.
394  } else { // keep the link and update the tok_extra_cost if needed.
395  if (link_extra_cost < 0.0) { // this is just a precaution.
396  if (link_extra_cost < -0.01)
397  KALDI_WARN << "Negative extra_cost: " << link_extra_cost;
398  link_extra_cost = 0.0;
399  }
400  if (link_extra_cost < tok_extra_cost)
401  tok_extra_cost = link_extra_cost;
402  prev_link = link;
403  link = link->next;
404  }
405  }
406  // prune away tokens worse than lattice_beam above best path. This step
407  // was not necessary in the non-final case because then, this case
408  // showed up as having no forward links. Here, the tok_extra_cost has
409  // an extra component relating to the final-prob.
410  if (tok_extra_cost > config_.lattice_beam)
411  tok_extra_cost = std::numeric_limits<BaseFloat>::infinity();
412  // to be pruned in PruneTokensForFrame
414  if (!ApproxEqual(tok->extra_cost, tok_extra_cost, delta))
415  changed = true;
416  tok->extra_cost = tok_extra_cost; // will be +infinity or <= lattice_beam_.
417  }
418  } // while changed
419 }
422  if (!decoding_finalized_) {
423  BaseFloat relative_cost;
424  ComputeFinalCosts(NULL, &relative_cost, NULL);
425  return relative_cost;
426  } else {
427  // we're not allowed to call that function if FinalizeDecoding() has
428  // been called; return a cached value.
429  return final_relative_cost_;
430  }
431 }
433 // Prune away any tokens on this frame that have no forward links. [we don't do
434 // this in PruneForwardLinks because it would give us a problem with dangling
435 // pointers].
437  KALDI_ASSERT(frame >= 0 && frame < active_toks_.size());
438  Token *&toks = active_toks_[frame].toks;
439  if (toks == NULL)
440  KALDI_WARN << "No tokens alive [doing pruning]";
441  Token *tok, *next_tok, *prev_tok = NULL;
442  for (tok = toks; tok != NULL; tok = next_tok) {
443  next_tok = tok->next;
444  if (tok->extra_cost == std::numeric_limits<BaseFloat>::infinity()) {
445  // Next token is unreachable from end of graph; excise tok from list
446  // and delete tok.
447  if (prev_tok != NULL) prev_tok->next = tok->next;
448  else toks = tok->next;
449  delete tok;
450  num_toks_--;
451  } else {
452  prev_tok = tok;
453  }
454  }
455 }
457 // Go backwards through still-alive tokens, pruning them, starting not from
458 // the current frame (where we want to keep all tokens) but from the frame before
459 // that. We go backwards through the frames and stop when we reach a point
460 // where the delta-costs are not changing (and the delta controls when we consider
461 // a cost to have "not changed").
463  int32 cur_frame_plus_one = NumFramesDecoded();
464  int32 num_toks_begin = num_toks_;
465  // The index "f" below represents a "frame plus one", i.e. you'd have to subtract
466  // one to get the corresponding index for the decodable object.
467  for (int32 f = cur_frame_plus_one - 1; f >= 0; f--) {
468  // Reason why we need to prune forward links in this situation:
469  // (1) we have never pruned them
470  // (2) we never pruned the forward links on the next frame, which
471  //
472  if (active_toks_[f].must_prune_forward_links) {
473  bool extra_costs_changed = false, links_pruned = false;
474  PruneForwardLinks(f, &extra_costs_changed, &links_pruned, delta);
475  if (extra_costs_changed && f > 0)
476  active_toks_[f-1].must_prune_forward_links = true;
477  if (links_pruned)
478  active_toks_[f].must_prune_tokens = true;
479  active_toks_[f].must_prune_forward_links = false;
480  }
481  if (f+1 < cur_frame_plus_one &&
482  active_toks_[f+1].must_prune_tokens) {
483  PruneTokensForFrame(f+1);
484  active_toks_[f+1].must_prune_tokens = false;
485  }
486  }
487  KALDI_VLOG(3) << "PruneActiveTokens: pruned tokens from " << num_toks_begin
488  << " to " << num_toks_;
489 }
492 // FinalizeDecoding() is a version of PruneActiveTokens that we call
493 // (optionally) on the final frame. Takes into account the final-prob of
494 // tokens. This function used to be called PruneActiveTokensFinal().
496  int32 final_frame_plus_one = NumFramesDecoded();
497  int32 num_toks_begin = num_toks_;
499  for (int32 f = final_frame_plus_one - 1; f >= 0; f--) {
500  bool b1, b2; // values not used.
501  BaseFloat dontcare = 0.0;
502  PruneForwardLinks(f, &b1, &b2, dontcare);
503  PruneTokensForFrame(f + 1);
504  }
506  KALDI_VLOG(3) << "pruned tokens from " << num_toks_begin
507  << " to " << num_toks_;
508 }
511  int32 frame = active_toks_.size() - 1; // frame is the frame-index
512  // (zero-based) used to get likelihoods
513  // from the decodable object.
514  active_toks_.resize(active_toks_.size() + 1);
515  prev_toks_.clear();
516  cur_toks_.swap(prev_toks_);
518  // Processes emitting arcs for one frame. Propagates from
519  // prev_toks_ to cur_toks_.
520  BaseFloat cutoff = std::numeric_limits<BaseFloat>::infinity();
521  for (unordered_map<StateId, Token*>::iterator iter = prev_toks_.begin();
522  iter != prev_toks_.end();
523  ++iter) {
524  StateId state = iter->first;
525  Token *tok = iter->second;
526  for (fst::ArcIterator<fst::Fst<Arc> > aiter(fst_, state);
527  !aiter.Done();
528  aiter.Next()) {
529  const Arc &arc = aiter.Value();
530  if (arc.ilabel != 0) { // propagate..
531  BaseFloat ac_cost = -decodable->LogLikelihood(frame, arc.ilabel),
532  graph_cost = arc.weight.Value(),
533  cur_cost = tok->tot_cost,
534  tot_cost = cur_cost + ac_cost + graph_cost;
535  if (tot_cost >= cutoff) continue;
536  else if (tot_cost + config_.beam < cutoff)
537  cutoff = tot_cost + config_.beam;
538  // AddToken adds the next_tok to cur_toks_ (if not already present).
539  Token *next_tok = FindOrAddToken(arc.nextstate, frame + 1, tot_cost,
540  true, NULL);
542  // Add ForwardLink from tok to next_tok (put on head of list tok->links)
543  tok->links = new ForwardLink(next_tok, arc.ilabel, arc.olabel,
544  graph_cost, ac_cost, tok->links);
545  }
546  }
547  }
548 }
551  KALDI_ASSERT(!active_toks_.empty());
552  int32 frame = static_cast<int32>(active_toks_.size()) - 2;
553  // Note: "frame" is the time-index we just processed, or -1 if
554  // we are processing the nonemitting transitions before the
555  // first frame (called from InitDecoding()).
557  // Processes nonemitting arcs for one frame. Propagates within
558  // cur_toks_. Note-- this queue structure is is not very optimal as
559  // it may cause us to process states unnecessarily (e.g. more than once),
560  // but in the baseline code, turning this vector into a set to fix this
561  // problem did not improve overall speed.
562  std::vector<StateId> queue;
563  BaseFloat best_cost = std::numeric_limits<BaseFloat>::infinity();
564  for (unordered_map<StateId, Token*>::iterator iter = cur_toks_.begin();
565  iter != cur_toks_.end();
566  ++iter) {
567  StateId state = iter->first;
568  if (fst_.NumInputEpsilons(state) != 0)
569  queue.push_back(state);
570  best_cost = std::min(best_cost, iter->second->tot_cost);
571  }
572  if (queue.empty()) {
573  if (!warned_) {
574  KALDI_ERR << "Error in ProcessEmitting: no surviving tokens: frame is "
575  << frame;
576  warned_ = true;
577  }
578  }
579  BaseFloat cutoff = best_cost + config_.beam;
581  while (!queue.empty()) {
582  StateId state = queue.back();
583  queue.pop_back();
584  Token *tok = cur_toks_[state];
585  // If "tok" has any existing forward links, delete them,
586  // because we're about to regenerate them. This is a kind
587  // of non-optimality (remember, this is the simple decoder),
588  // but since most states are emitting it's not a huge issue.
589  tok->DeleteForwardLinks();
590  tok->links = NULL;
591  for (fst::ArcIterator<fst::Fst<Arc> > aiter(fst_, state);
592  !aiter.Done();
593  aiter.Next()) {
594  const Arc &arc = aiter.Value();
595  if (arc.ilabel == 0) { // propagate nonemitting only...
596  BaseFloat graph_cost = arc.weight.Value(),
597  cur_cost = tok->tot_cost,
598  tot_cost = cur_cost + graph_cost;
599  if (tot_cost < cutoff) {
600  bool changed;
601  Token *new_tok = FindOrAddToken(arc.nextstate, frame + 1, tot_cost,
602  false, &changed);
604  tok->links = new ForwardLink(new_tok, 0, arc.olabel,
605  graph_cost, 0, tok->links);
607  // "changed" tells us whether the new token has a different
608  // cost from before, or is new [if so, add into queue].
609  if (changed && fst_.NumInputEpsilons(arc.nextstate) != 0)
610  queue.push_back(arc.nextstate);
611  }
612  }
613  }
614  }
615 }
617 void LatticeSimpleDecoder::ClearActiveTokens() { // a cleanup routine, at utt end/begin
618  for (size_t i = 0; i < active_toks_.size(); i++) {
619  // Delete all tokens alive on this frame, and any forward
620  // links they may have.
621  for (Token *tok = active_toks_[i].toks; tok != NULL; ) {
622  tok->DeleteForwardLinks();
623  Token *next_tok = tok->next;
624  delete tok;
625  num_toks_--;
626  tok = next_tok;
627  }
628  }
629  active_toks_.clear();
630  KALDI_ASSERT(num_toks_ == 0);
631 }
633 // PruneCurrentTokens deletes the tokens from the "toks" map, but not
634 // from the active_toks_ list, which could cause dangling forward pointers
635 // (will delete it during regular pruning operation).
636 void LatticeSimpleDecoder::PruneCurrentTokens(BaseFloat beam, unordered_map<StateId, Token*> *toks) {
637  if (toks->empty()) {
638  KALDI_VLOG(2) << "No tokens to prune.\n";
639  return;
640  }
641  BaseFloat best_cost = 1.0e+10; // positive == high cost == bad.
642  for (unordered_map<StateId, Token*>::iterator iter = toks->begin();
643  iter != toks->end(); ++iter) {
644  best_cost =
645  std::min(best_cost,
646  static_cast<BaseFloat>(iter->second->tot_cost));
647  }
648  std::vector<StateId> retained;
649  BaseFloat cutoff = best_cost + beam;
650  for (unordered_map<StateId, Token*>::iterator iter = toks->begin();
651  iter != toks->end(); ++iter) {
652  if (iter->second->tot_cost < cutoff)
653  retained.push_back(iter->first);
654  }
655  unordered_map<StateId, Token*> tmp;
656  for (size_t i = 0; i < retained.size(); i++) {
657  tmp[retained[i]] = (*toks)[retained[i]];
658  }
659  KALDI_VLOG(2) << "Pruned to "<<(retained.size())<<" toks.\n";
660  tmp.swap(*toks);
661 }
664 } // end namespace kaldi.
fst::StdArc::StateId StateId
This code computes Goodness of Pronunciation (GOP) and extracts phone-level pronunciation feature for...
Definition: chain.dox:20
fst::ArcTpl< LatticeWeight > LatticeArc
Definition: kaldi-lattice.h:40
std::vector< TokenList > active_toks_
void InitDecoding()
InitDecoding initializes the decoding, and should only be used if you intend to call AdvanceDecoding(...
LatticeSimpleDecoderConfig config_
DecodableInterface provides a link between the (acoustic-modeling and feature-processing) code and th...
Definition: decodable-itf.h:82
static const LatticeWeightTpl One()
bool DeterminizeLatticePruned(const ExpandedFst< ArcTpl< Weight > > &ifst, double beam, MutableFst< ArcTpl< CompactLatticeWeightTpl< Weight, IntType > > > *ofst, DeterminizeLatticePrunedOptions opts)
For an extended explanation of the framework of which grammar-fsts are a part, please see Support for...
Definition: graph.dox:21
bool GetLattice(CompactLattice *clat, bool use_final_probs=true) const
bool Decode(DecodableInterface *decodable)
virtual bool IsLastFrame(int32 frame) const =0
Returns true if this is the last frame.
kaldi::int32 int32
bool decoding_finalized_
decoding_finalized_ is true if someone called FinalizeDecoding().
unordered_map< Token *, BaseFloat > final_costs_
For the meaning of the next 3 variables, see the comment for decoding_finalized_ above., and ComputeFinalCosts().
void FinalizeDecoding()
This function may be optionally called after AdvanceDecoding(), when you do not plan to decode any fu...
void PruneCurrentTokens(BaseFloat beam, unordered_map< StateId, Token *> *toks)
BaseFloat FinalRelativeCost() const
FinalRelativeCost() serves the same purpose as ReachedFinal(), but gives more information.
bool GetRawLattice(Lattice *lat, bool use_final_probs=true) const
void PruneActiveTokens(BaseFloat delta)
void ComputeFinalCosts(unordered_map< Token *, BaseFloat > *final_costs, BaseFloat *final_relative_cost, BaseFloat *final_best_cost) const
void PruneForwardLinks(int32 frame, bool *extra_costs_changed, bool *links_pruned, BaseFloat delta)
Token * FindOrAddToken(StateId state, int32 frame_plus_one, BaseFloat tot_cost, bool emitting, bool *changed)
unordered_map< StateId, Token * > prev_toks_
const fst::Fst< fst::StdArc > & fst_
fst::VectorFst< LatticeArc > Lattice
Definition: kaldi-lattice.h:44
#define KALDI_ERR
Definition: kaldi-error.h:147
#define KALDI_WARN
Definition: kaldi-error.h:150
fst::StdArc::Label Label
fst::VectorFst< CompactLatticeArc > CompactLattice
Definition: kaldi-lattice.h:46
void ProcessEmitting(DecodableInterface *decodable)
fst::StdArc::Weight Weight
#define KALDI_ASSERT(cond)
Definition: kaldi-error.h:185
#define KALDI_VLOG(v)
Definition: kaldi-error.h:156
bool GetBestPath(Lattice *lat, bool use_final_probs=true) const
unordered_map< StateId, Token * > cur_toks_
fst::DeterminizeLatticePhonePrunedOptions det_opts
virtual BaseFloat LogLikelihood(int32 frame, int32 index)=0
Returns the log likelihood, which will be negated in the decoder.
static bool ApproxEqual(float a, float b, float relative_tolerance=0.001)
return abs(a - b) <= relative_tolerance * (abs(a)+abs(b)).
Definition: kaldi-math.h:265