► base | |
io-funcs-inl.h | |
io-funcs-test.cc | |
io-funcs.cc | |
io-funcs.h | |
kaldi-common.h | |
kaldi-error-test.cc | |
kaldi-error.cc | |
kaldi-error.h | |
kaldi-math-test.cc | |
kaldi-math.cc | |
kaldi-math.h | |
kaldi-types.h | |
kaldi-utils.cc | |
kaldi-utils.h | |
timer-test.cc | |
timer.cc | |
timer.h | |
version.h | |
► bin | |
acc-lda.cc | |
acc-tree-stats.cc | |
add-self-loops.cc | |
ali-to-pdf.cc | |
ali-to-phones.cc | |
ali-to-post.cc | |
align-compiled-mapped.cc | |
align-equal-compiled.cc | |
align-equal.cc | |
align-mapped.cc | |
align-text.cc | |
am-info.cc | |
analyze-counts.cc | |
build-pfile-from-ali.cc | |
build-tree-two-level.cc | |
build-tree.cc | |
cluster-phones.cc | |
compare-int-vector.cc | |
compile-graph.cc | |
compile-questions.cc | |
compile-train-graphs-fsts.cc | |
compile-train-graphs.cc | |
compute-gop.cc | |
compute-wer-bootci.cc | |
compute-wer.cc | |
convert-ali.cc | |
copy-gselect.cc | |
copy-int-vector.cc | |
copy-matrix.cc | |
copy-post.cc | |
copy-transition-model.cc | |
copy-tree.cc | |
copy-vector.cc | |
decode-faster-mapped.cc | |
decode-faster.cc | |
draw-tree.cc | |
est-lda.cc | |
est-mllt.cc | |
est-pca.cc | |
get-post-on-ali.cc | |
hmm-info.cc | |
latgen-faster-mapped-parallel.cc | |
latgen-faster-mapped.cc | |
latgen-incremental-mapped.cc | |
logprob-to-post.cc | |
make-h-transducer.cc | |
make-ilabel-transducer.cc | |
make-pdf-to-tid-transducer.cc | |
matrix-dim.cc | |
matrix-sum-rows.cc | |
matrix-sum.cc | |
phones-to-prons.cc | |
post-to-pdf-post.cc | |
post-to-phone-post.cc | |
post-to-smat.cc | |
post-to-tacc.cc | |
post-to-weights.cc | |
prob-to-post.cc | |
prons-to-wordali.cc | |
scale-post.cc | |
show-alignments.cc | |
show-transitions.cc | |
sum-lda-accs.cc | |
sum-matrices.cc | |
sum-mllt-accs.cc | |
sum-post.cc | |
sum-tree-stats.cc | |
transform-vec.cc | |
tree-info.cc | |
vector-scale.cc | |
vector-sum.cc | |
weight-post.cc | |
weight-silence-post.cc | |
► cudamatrix | |
cu-allocator.cc | |
cu-allocator.h | |
cu-array-inl.h | |
cu-array-test.cc | |
cu-array.cc | |
cu-array.h | |
cu-block-matrix-test.cc | |
cu-block-matrix.cc | |
cu-block-matrix.h | |
cu-common.cc | |
cu-common.h | |
cu-compressed-matrix-test.cc | |
cu-compressed-matrix.cc | |
cu-compressed-matrix.h | |
cu-device-test.cc | |
cu-device.cc | |
cu-device.h | |
cu-kernels-ansi.h | |
cu-kernels.h | |
cu-math-test.cc | |
cu-math.cc | |
cu-math.h | |
cu-matrix-inl.h | |
cu-matrix-lib.h | |
cu-matrix-speed-test.cc | |
cu-matrix-test.cc | |
cu-matrix.cc | |
cu-matrix.h | |
cu-matrixdim.h | |
cu-packed-matrix-test.cc | |
cu-packed-matrix.cc | |
cu-packed-matrix.h | |
cu-rand-speed-test.cc | |
cu-rand.cc | |
cu-rand.h | |
cu-sp-matrix-speed-test.cc | |
cu-sp-matrix-test.cc | |
cu-sp-matrix.cc | |
cu-sp-matrix.h | |
cu-sparse-matrix-test.cc | |
cu-sparse-matrix.cc | |
cu-sparse-matrix.h | |
cu-test.cc | |
cu-tp-matrix-test.cc | |
cu-tp-matrix.cc | |
cu-tp-matrix.h | |
cu-value.h | |
cu-vector-speed-test.cc | |
cu-vector-test.cc | |
cu-vector.cc | |
cu-vector.h | |
cublas-wrappers.h | |
► decoder | |
biglm-faster-decoder.h | |
decodable-mapped.h | |
decodable-matrix.cc | |
decodable-matrix.h | |
decodable-sum.h | |
decoder-wrappers.cc | |
decoder-wrappers.h | |
faster-decoder.cc | |
faster-decoder.h | |
grammar-fst.cc | |
grammar-fst.h | |
lattice-biglm-faster-decoder.h | |
lattice-faster-decoder.cc | |
lattice-faster-decoder.h | |
lattice-faster-online-decoder.cc | |
lattice-faster-online-decoder.h | |
lattice-incremental-decoder.cc | |
lattice-incremental-decoder.h | |
lattice-incremental-online-decoder.cc | |
lattice-incremental-online-decoder.h | |
lattice-simple-decoder.cc | |
lattice-simple-decoder.h | |
simple-decoder.cc | |
simple-decoder.h | |
training-graph-compiler.cc | |
training-graph-compiler.h | |
► feat | |
feature-common-inl.h | |
feature-common.h | |
feature-fbank-test.cc | |
feature-fbank.cc | |
feature-fbank.h | |
feature-functions-test.cc | |
feature-functions.cc | |
feature-functions.h | |
feature-mfcc-test.cc | |
feature-mfcc.cc | |
feature-mfcc.h | |
feature-plp-test.cc | |
feature-plp.cc | |
feature-plp.h | |
feature-sdc-test.cc | |
feature-spectrogram.cc | |
feature-spectrogram.h | |
feature-window.cc | |
feature-window.h | |
mel-computations.cc | |
mel-computations.h | |
online-feature-test.cc | |
online-feature.cc | |
online-feature.h | |
pitch-functions-test.cc | |
pitch-functions.cc | |
pitch-functions.h | |
resample-test.cc | |
resample.cc | |
resample.h | ] |
signal-test.cc | |
signal.cc | |
signal.h | |
wave-reader-test.cc | |
wave-reader.cc | |
wave-reader.h | |
► featbin | |
add-deltas-sdc.cc | |
add-deltas.cc | |
append-post-to-feats.cc | |
append-vector-to-feats.cc | |
apply-cmvn-sliding.cc | |
apply-cmvn.cc | |
compare-feats.cc | |
compose-transforms.cc | |
compute-and-process-kaldi-pitch-feats.cc | |
compute-cmvn-stats-two-channel.cc | |
compute-cmvn-stats.cc | |
compute-fbank-feats.cc | |
compute-kaldi-pitch-feats.cc | |
compute-mfcc-feats.cc | |
compute-plp-feats.cc | |
compute-spectrogram-feats.cc | |
concat-feats.cc | |
copy-feats-to-htk.cc | |
copy-feats-to-sphinx.cc | |
copy-feats.cc | |
extend-transform-dim.cc | |
extract-feature-segments.cc | |
extract-segments.cc | |
feat-to-dim.cc | |
feat-to-len.cc | |
fmpe-acc-stats.cc | |
fmpe-apply-transform.cc | |
fmpe-est.cc | |
fmpe-init.cc | |
fmpe-sum-accs.cc | |
get-full-lda-mat.cc | |
interpolate-pitch.cc | |
modify-cmvn-stats.cc | |
paste-feats.cc | |
post-to-feats.cc | |
process-kaldi-pitch-feats.cc | |
process-pitch-feats.cc | |
select-feats.cc | |
shift-feats.cc | |
splice-feats.cc | |
subsample-feats.cc | |
subset-feats.cc | |
transform-feats.cc | |
wav-copy.cc | |
wav-reverberate.cc | |
wav-to-duration.cc | |
► fgmmbin | |
fgmm-global-acc-stats-post.cc | |
fgmm-global-acc-stats.cc | |
fgmm-global-copy.cc | |
fgmm-global-est.cc | |
fgmm-global-get-frame-likes.cc | |
fgmm-global-gselect-to-post.cc | |
fgmm-global-info.cc | |
fgmm-global-init-from-accs.cc | |
fgmm-global-merge.cc | |
fgmm-global-sum-accs.cc | |
fgmm-global-to-gmm.cc | |
fgmm-gselect.cc | |
► fstbin | |
fstaddselfloops.cc | |
fstaddsubsequentialloop.cc | |
fstcomposecontext.cc | |
fstcopy.cc | |
fstdeterminizelog.cc | |
fstdeterminizestar.cc | |
fstdeterminizestart.cc | |
fstisstochastic.cc | |
fstmakecontextfst.cc | |
fstmakecontextsyms.cc | |
fstminimizeencoded.cc | |
fstphicompose.cc | |
fstpushspecial.cc | |
fstrand.cc | |
fstrmepslocal.cc | |
fstrmsymbols.cc | |
fsts-concat.cc | |
fsts-project.cc | |
fsts-to-transcripts.cc | |
fsts-union.cc | |
fsttablecompose.cc | |
make-grammar-fst.cc | |
► fstext | |
context-fst-test.cc | |
context-fst.cc | |
context-fst.h | |
deterministic-fst-inl.h | |
deterministic-fst-test.cc | |
deterministic-fst.h | |
determinize-lattice-inl.h | |
determinize-lattice-test.cc | |
determinize-lattice.h | |
determinize-star-inl.h | |
determinize-star-test.cc | |
determinize-star.h | |
epsilon-property-inl.h | |
epsilon-property-test.cc | |
epsilon-property.h | |
factor-inl.h | |
factor-test.cc | |
factor.h | |
fst-test-utils.h | |
fstext-lib.h | |
fstext-utils-inl.h | |
fstext-utils-test.cc | |
fstext-utils.h | |
grammar-context-fst.cc | |
grammar-context-fst.h | |
kaldi-fst-io-inl.h | |
kaldi-fst-io.cc | |
kaldi-fst-io.h | |
lattice-utils-inl.h | |
lattice-utils-test.cc | |
lattice-utils.h | |
lattice-weight-test.cc | |
lattice-weight.h | |
pre-determinize-inl.h | |
pre-determinize-test.cc | |
pre-determinize.h | |
prune-special-inl.h | |
prune-special-test.cc | |
prune-special.h | |
push-special-test.cc | |
push-special.cc | |
push-special.h | |
rand-fst.h | |
remove-eps-local-inl.h | |
remove-eps-local-test.cc | |
remove-eps-local.h | |
table-matcher-test.cc | |
table-matcher.h | |
trivial-factor-weight-test.cc | |
trivial-factor-weight.h | |
► gmm | |
am-diag-gmm-test.cc | |
am-diag-gmm.cc | |
am-diag-gmm.h | |
decodable-am-diag-gmm.cc | |
decodable-am-diag-gmm.h | |
diag-gmm-inl.h | |
diag-gmm-normal.cc | |
diag-gmm-normal.h | |
diag-gmm-test.cc | |
diag-gmm.cc | |
diag-gmm.h | |
ebw-diag-gmm-test.cc | |
ebw-diag-gmm.cc | |
ebw-diag-gmm.h | |
full-gmm-inl.h | |
full-gmm-normal.cc | |
full-gmm-normal.h | |
full-gmm-test.cc | |
full-gmm.cc | |
full-gmm.h | |
indirect-diff-diag-gmm.cc | |
indirect-diff-diag-gmm.h | |
mle-am-diag-gmm-test.cc | |
mle-am-diag-gmm.cc | |
mle-am-diag-gmm.h | |
mle-diag-gmm-test.cc | |
mle-diag-gmm.cc | |
mle-diag-gmm.h | |
mle-full-gmm-test.cc | |
mle-full-gmm.cc | |
mle-full-gmm.h | |
model-common.cc | |
model-common.h | |
model-test-common.cc | |
model-test-common.h | |
► gmmbin | |
gmm-acc-mllt-global.cc | |
gmm-acc-mllt.cc | |
gmm-acc-stats-ali.cc | |
gmm-acc-stats-twofeats.cc | |
gmm-acc-stats.cc | |
gmm-acc-stats2.cc | |
gmm-adapt-map.cc | |
gmm-align-compiled.cc | |
gmm-align.cc | |
gmm-basis-fmllr-accs-gpost.cc | |
gmm-basis-fmllr-accs.cc | |
gmm-basis-fmllr-training.cc | |
gmm-boost-silence.cc | |
gmm-compute-likes.cc | |
gmm-copy.cc | |
gmm-decode-biglm-faster.cc | |
gmm-decode-faster-regtree-fmllr.cc | |
gmm-decode-faster-regtree-mllr.cc | |
gmm-decode-faster.cc | |
gmm-decode-simple.cc | |
gmm-est-basis-fmllr-gpost.cc | |
gmm-est-basis-fmllr.cc | |
gmm-est-fmllr-global.cc | |
gmm-est-fmllr-gpost.cc | |
gmm-est-fmllr-raw-gpost.cc | |
gmm-est-fmllr-raw.cc | |
gmm-est-fmllr.cc | |
gmm-est-gaussians-ebw.cc | |
gmm-est-lvtln-trans.cc | |
gmm-est-map.cc | |
gmm-est-regtree-fmllr-ali.cc | |
gmm-est-regtree-fmllr.cc | |
gmm-est-regtree-mllr.cc | |
gmm-est-rescale.cc | |
gmm-est-weights-ebw.cc | |
gmm-est.cc | |
gmm-fmpe-acc-stats.cc | |
gmm-get-stats-deriv.cc | |
gmm-global-acc-stats-twofeats.cc | |
gmm-global-acc-stats.cc | |
gmm-global-copy.cc | |
gmm-global-est-fmllr.cc | |
gmm-global-est-lvtln-trans.cc | |
gmm-global-est.cc | |
gmm-global-get-frame-likes.cc | |
gmm-global-get-post.cc | |
gmm-global-gselect-to-post.cc | |
gmm-global-info.cc | |
gmm-global-init-from-feats.cc | |
gmm-global-sum-accs.cc | |
gmm-global-to-fgmm.cc | |
gmm-gselect.cc | |
gmm-info.cc | |
gmm-init-biphone.cc | |
gmm-init-lvtln.cc | |
gmm-init-model-flat.cc | |
gmm-init-model.cc | |
gmm-init-mono.cc | |
gmm-ismooth-stats.cc | |
gmm-latgen-biglm-faster.cc | |
gmm-latgen-faster-parallel.cc | |
gmm-latgen-faster-regtree-fmllr.cc | |
gmm-latgen-faster.cc | |
gmm-latgen-map.cc | |
gmm-latgen-simple.cc | |
gmm-make-regtree.cc | |
gmm-mixup.cc | |
gmm-post-to-gpost.cc | |
gmm-rescore-lattice.cc | |
gmm-sum-accs.cc | |
gmm-train-lvtln-special.cc | |
gmm-transform-means-global.cc | |
gmm-transform-means.cc | |
► hmm | |
hmm-test-utils.cc | |
hmm-test-utils.h | |
hmm-topology-test.cc | |
hmm-topology.cc | |
hmm-topology.h | |
hmm-utils-test.cc | |
hmm-utils.cc | |
hmm-utils.h | |
posterior-test.cc | |
posterior.cc | |
posterior.h | |
transition-model-test.cc | |
transition-model.cc | |
transition-model.h | |
tree-accu.cc | |
tree-accu.h | |
► itf | |
clusterable-itf.h | |
context-dep-itf.h | |
decodable-itf.h | |
online-feature-itf.h | |
optimizable-itf.h | |
options-itf.h | |
► ivector | |
agglomerative-clustering.cc | |
agglomerative-clustering.h | |
ivector-extractor-test.cc | |
ivector-extractor.cc | |
ivector-extractor.h | |
logistic-regression-test.cc | |
logistic-regression.cc | |
logistic-regression.h | |
plda-test.cc | |
plda.cc | |
plda.h | |
voice-activity-detection.cc | |
voice-activity-detection.h | |
► ivectorbin | |
agglomerative-cluster.cc | |
compute-eer.cc | |
compute-vad-from-frame-likes.cc | |
compute-vad.cc | |
ivector-adapt-plda.cc | |
ivector-compute-dot-products.cc | |
ivector-compute-lda.cc | |
ivector-compute-plda.cc | |
ivector-copy-plda.cc | |
ivector-extract-online.cc | |
ivector-extract.cc | |
ivector-extractor-acc-stats.cc | |
ivector-extractor-copy.cc | |
ivector-extractor-est.cc | |
ivector-extractor-init.cc | |
ivector-extractor-sum-accs.cc | |
ivector-mean.cc | |
ivector-normalize-length.cc | |
ivector-plda-scoring-dense.cc | |
ivector-plda-scoring.cc | |
ivector-subtract-global-mean.cc | |
ivector-transform.cc | |
logistic-regression-copy.cc | |
logistic-regression-eval.cc | |
logistic-regression-train.cc | |
merge-vads.cc | |
select-voiced-frames.cc | |
► kws | |
kaldi-kws.h | |
kws-functions.cc | |
kws-functions.h | |
kws-functions2.cc | |
kws-scoring.cc | |
kws-scoring.h | |
► kwsbin | |
compute-atwv.cc | |
generate-proxy-keywords.cc | |
kws-index-union.cc | |
kws-search.cc | |
lattice-to-kws-index.cc | |
print-proxy-keywords.cc | |
transcripts-to-fsts.cc | |
► lat | |
arctic-weight.h | |
compose-lattice-pruned.cc | |
compose-lattice-pruned.h | |
confidence.cc | |
confidence.h | |
determinize-lattice-pruned-test.cc | |
determinize-lattice-pruned.cc | |
determinize-lattice-pruned.h | |
kaldi-lattice-test.cc | |
kaldi-lattice.cc | |
kaldi-lattice.h | |
lattice-functions.cc | |
lattice-functions.h | |
minimize-lattice-test.cc | |
minimize-lattice.cc | |
minimize-lattice.h | |
phone-align-lattice.cc | |
phone-align-lattice.h | |
push-lattice-test.cc | |
push-lattice.cc | |
push-lattice.h | |
sausages.cc | |
sausages.h | |
word-align-lattice-lexicon-test.cc | |
word-align-lattice-lexicon.cc | |
word-align-lattice-lexicon.h | |
word-align-lattice.cc | |
word-align-lattice.h | |
► latbin | |
lattice-1best.cc | |
lattice-add-penalty.cc | |
lattice-add-trans-probs.cc | |
lattice-align-phones.cc | |
lattice-align-words-lexicon.cc | |
lattice-align-words.cc | |
lattice-arc-post.cc | |
lattice-best-path.cc | |
lattice-boost-ali.cc | |
lattice-combine.cc | |
lattice-compose.cc | |
lattice-confidence.cc | |
lattice-copy-backoff.cc | |
lattice-copy.cc | |
lattice-depth-per-frame.cc | |
lattice-depth.cc | |
lattice-determinize-non-compact.cc | |
lattice-determinize-phone-pruned-parallel.cc | |
lattice-determinize-phone-pruned.cc | |
lattice-determinize-pruned-parallel.cc | |
lattice-determinize-pruned.cc | |
lattice-determinize.cc | |
lattice-difference.cc | |
lattice-equivalent.cc | |
lattice-expand-ngram.cc | |
lattice-interp.cc | |
lattice-limit-depth.cc | |
lattice-lmrescore-const-arpa.cc | |
lattice-lmrescore-kaldi-rnnlm-pruned.cc | |
lattice-lmrescore-kaldi-rnnlm.cc | |
lattice-lmrescore-pruned.cc | |
lattice-lmrescore-rnnlm.cc | |
lattice-lmrescore.cc | |
lattice-mbr-decode.cc | |
lattice-minimize.cc | |
lattice-oracle.cc | |
lattice-project.cc | |
lattice-prune.cc | |
lattice-push.cc | |
lattice-rescore-mapped.cc | |
lattice-reverse.cc | |
lattice-rmali.cc | |
lattice-scale.cc | |
lattice-to-ctm-conf.cc | |
lattice-to-fst.cc | |
lattice-to-mpe-post.cc | |
lattice-to-nbest.cc | |
lattice-to-phone-lattice.cc | |
lattice-to-post.cc | |
lattice-to-smbr-post.cc | |
lattice-union.cc | |
linear-to-nbest.cc | |
nbest-to-ctm.cc | |
nbest-to-lattice.cc | |
nbest-to-linear.cc | |
nbest-to-prons.cc | |
► lm | |
arpa-file-parser-test.cc | Unit tests for language model code |
arpa-file-parser.cc | |
arpa-file-parser.h | |
arpa-lm-compiler-test.cc | |
arpa-lm-compiler.cc | |
arpa-lm-compiler.h | |
const-arpa-lm.cc | |
const-arpa-lm.h | |
kaldi-rnnlm.cc | |
kaldi-rnnlm.h | |
mikolov-rnnlm-lib.cc | |
mikolov-rnnlm-lib.h | |
► matrix | |
cblas-wrappers.h | |
compressed-matrix.cc | |
compressed-matrix.h | |
jama-eig.h | |
jama-svd.h | |
kaldi-blas.h | |
kaldi-matrix-inl.h | |
kaldi-matrix.cc | |
kaldi-matrix.h | |
kaldi-vector-inl.h | |
kaldi-vector.cc | |
kaldi-vector.h | |
matrix-common.h | |
matrix-functions-inl.h | |
matrix-functions.cc | |
matrix-functions.h | |
matrix-lib-speed-test.cc | |
matrix-lib-test.cc | |
matrix-lib.h | |
optimization.cc | |
optimization.h | |
packed-matrix.cc | Implementation of specialized PackedMatrix template methods |
packed-matrix.h | |
qr.cc | |
sp-matrix-inl.h | |
sp-matrix.cc | |
sp-matrix.h | |
sparse-matrix-test.cc | |
sparse-matrix.cc | |
sparse-matrix.h | |
srfft.cc | |
srfft.h | |
tp-matrix.cc | |
tp-matrix.h | |
► nnet | |
nnet-activation.h | |
nnet-affine-transform.h | |
nnet-average-pooling-component.h | |
nnet-blstm-projected.h | |
nnet-component-test.cc | |
nnet-component.cc | |
nnet-component.h | |
nnet-convolutional-component.h | |
nnet-frame-pooling-component.h | |
nnet-kl-hmm.h | |
nnet-linear-transform.h | |
nnet-loss.cc | |
nnet-loss.h | |
nnet-lstm-projected.h | |
nnet-matrix-buffer.h | |
nnet-max-pooling-component.h | |
nnet-multibasis-component.h | |
nnet-nnet.cc | |
nnet-nnet.h | |
nnet-parallel-component.h | |
nnet-parametric-relu.h | |
nnet-pdf-prior.cc | |
nnet-pdf-prior.h | |
nnet-randomizer-test.cc | |
nnet-randomizer.cc | |
nnet-randomizer.h | |
nnet-rbm.h | |
nnet-recurrent.h | |
nnet-sentence-averaging-component.h | |
nnet-trnopts.h | |
nnet-utils.h | |
nnet-various.h | |
► nnet2 | |
am-nnet-test.cc | |
am-nnet.cc | |
am-nnet.h | |
combine-nnet-a.cc | |
combine-nnet-a.h | |
combine-nnet-fast.cc | |
combine-nnet-fast.h | |
combine-nnet.cc | |
combine-nnet.h | |
decodable-am-nnet.h | |
get-feature-transform.cc | |
get-feature-transform.h | This file is modified from transform/lda-estimate.h It contains a class intended to be used in preconditioning data for neural network training |
mixup-nnet.cc | |
mixup-nnet.h | |
nnet-component-test.cc | |
nnet-component.cc | |
nnet-component.h | |
nnet-compute-discriminative-parallel.cc | |
nnet-compute-discriminative-parallel.h | |
nnet-compute-discriminative.cc | |
nnet-compute-discriminative.h | |
nnet-compute-online.cc | |
nnet-compute-online.h | |
nnet-compute-test.cc | |
nnet-compute.cc | |
nnet-compute.h | |
nnet-example-functions-test.cc | |
nnet-example-functions.cc | |
nnet-example-functions.h | Note on how to parse this filename: it contains functions relatied to neural-net training examples, mostly discriminative neural-net training examples, i.e |
nnet-example.cc | |
nnet-example.h | |
nnet-fix.cc | |
nnet-fix.h | |
nnet-functions.cc | |
nnet-functions.h | |
nnet-limit-rank.cc | |
nnet-limit-rank.h | |
nnet-nnet-test.cc | |
nnet-nnet.cc | |
nnet-nnet.h | |
nnet-precondition-online-test.cc | |
nnet-precondition-online.cc | |
nnet-precondition-online.h | |
nnet-precondition-test.cc | |
nnet-precondition.cc | |
nnet-precondition.h | |
nnet-stats.cc | |
nnet-stats.h | |
nnet-update-parallel.cc | |
nnet-update-parallel.h | |
nnet-update.cc | |
nnet-update.h | This header provides functionality for sample-by-sample stochastic gradient descent and gradient computation with a neural net |
online-nnet2-decodable-test.cc | |
online-nnet2-decodable.cc | |
online-nnet2-decodable.h | |
rescale-nnet.cc | |
rescale-nnet.h | |
shrink-nnet.cc | |
shrink-nnet.h | |
train-nnet-ensemble.cc | |
train-nnet-ensemble.h | |
train-nnet.cc | |
train-nnet.h | |
widen-nnet.cc | |
widen-nnet.h | |
► nnet2bin | |
nnet-adjust-priors.cc | |
nnet-align-compiled.cc | |
nnet-am-average.cc | |
nnet-am-compute.cc | |
nnet-am-copy.cc | |
nnet-am-fix.cc | |
nnet-am-info.cc | |
nnet-am-init.cc | |
nnet-am-mixup.cc | |
nnet-am-reinitialize.cc | |
nnet-am-switch-preconditioning.cc | |
nnet-am-widen.cc | |
nnet-combine-egs-discriminative.cc | |
nnet-combine-fast.cc | |
nnet-combine.cc | |
nnet-compare-hash-discriminative.cc | |
nnet-compute-from-egs.cc | |
nnet-compute-prob.cc | |
nnet-compute.cc | |
nnet-copy-egs-discriminative.cc | |
nnet-copy-egs.cc | |
nnet-get-egs-discriminative.cc | |
nnet-get-egs.cc | |
nnet-get-feature-transform-multi.cc | |
nnet-get-feature-transform.cc | |
nnet-get-weighted-egs.cc | |
nnet-init.cc | |
nnet-insert.cc | |
nnet-latgen-faster-parallel.cc | |
nnet-latgen-faster.cc | |
nnet-modify-learning-rates.cc | |
nnet-normalize-stddev.cc | |
nnet-relabel-egs.cc | |
nnet-replace-last-layers.cc | |
nnet-show-progress.cc | |
nnet-shuffle-egs-discriminative.cc | |
nnet-shuffle-egs.cc | |
nnet-subset-egs.cc | |
nnet-to-raw-nnet.cc | |
nnet-train-discriminative-parallel.cc | |
nnet-train-discriminative-simple.cc | |
nnet-train-ensemble.cc | |
nnet-train-parallel.cc | |
nnet-train-simple.cc | |
nnet-train-transitions.cc | |
nnet1-to-raw-nnet.cc | |
raw-nnet-concat.cc | |
raw-nnet-copy.cc | |
raw-nnet-info.cc | |
► nnet3 | |
am-nnet-simple.cc | |
am-nnet-simple.h | |
attention-test.cc | |
attention.cc | |
attention.h | This file contains the lower-level interface for self-attention |
convolution-test.cc | |
convolution.cc | |
convolution.h | This file contains some fairly low-level utilities for implementing convolutional neural networks and related methods such as TDNNs, which are mostly used in nnet-convolutional-component.h |
decodable-online-looped.cc | |
decodable-online-looped.h | |
decodable-simple-looped.cc | |
decodable-simple-looped.h | |
discriminative-supervision.cc | |
discriminative-supervision.h | |
discriminative-training.cc | |
discriminative-training.h | |
natural-gradient-online-test.cc | |
natural-gradient-online.cc | |
natural-gradient-online.h | |
nnet-am-decodable-simple.cc | |
nnet-am-decodable-simple.h | |
nnet-analyze-test.cc | |
nnet-analyze.cc | |
nnet-analyze.h | This file contains utilities for analyzing and checking computations, which are used in the optimization code |
nnet-attention-component.cc | |
nnet-attention-component.h | Contains component(s) related to attention models |
nnet-batch-compute.cc | |
nnet-batch-compute.h | |
nnet-chain-diagnostics.cc | |
nnet-chain-diagnostics.h | |
nnet-chain-example.cc | |
nnet-chain-example.h | |
nnet-chain-training.cc | |
nnet-chain-training.h | |
nnet-combined-component.cc | |
nnet-combined-component.h | You can view this as an overflow from nnet-simple-component.h |
nnet-common-test.cc | |
nnet-common.cc | |
nnet-common.h | |
nnet-compile-looped.cc | |
nnet-compile-looped.h | |
nnet-compile-test.cc | |
nnet-compile-utils-test.cc | |
nnet-compile-utils.cc | |
nnet-compile-utils.h | |
nnet-compile.cc | |
nnet-compile.h | |
nnet-component-itf.cc | |
nnet-component-itf.h | |
nnet-component-test.cc | |
nnet-computation-graph.cc | |
nnet-computation-graph.h | |
nnet-computation.cc | |
nnet-computation.h | The two main classes defined in this header are struct ComputationRequest, which basically defines a request for a concrete computation that we want the network to do (e.g |
nnet-compute-test.cc | |
nnet-compute.cc | |
nnet-compute.h | |
nnet-convolutional-component-temp.h | |
nnet-convolutional-component.cc | |
nnet-convolutional-component.h | |
nnet-derivative-test.cc | |
nnet-descriptor-test.cc | |
nnet-descriptor.cc | |
nnet-descriptor.h | This file contains class definitions for classes ForwardingDescriptor, SumDescriptor and Descriptor |
nnet-diagnostics.cc | |
nnet-diagnostics.h | |
nnet-discriminative-diagnostics.cc | |
nnet-discriminative-diagnostics.h | |
nnet-discriminative-example.cc | |
nnet-discriminative-example.h | |
nnet-discriminative-training.cc | |
nnet-discriminative-training.h | |
nnet-example-test.cc | |
nnet-example-utils.cc | |
nnet-example-utils.h | |
nnet-example.cc | |
nnet-example.h | |
nnet-general-component.cc | |
nnet-general-component.h | This file contains declarations of components that are not "simple", meaning they care about the indexes they are operating on, don't return the kSimpleComponent flag in their Properties(), and may return a different number of outputs than inputs |
nnet-graph-test.cc | |
nnet-graph.cc | |
nnet-graph.h | This file contains a few functions that treat the neural net as a graph on nodes: e.g |
nnet-nnet-test.cc | |
nnet-nnet.cc | |
nnet-nnet.h | |
nnet-normalize-component.cc | |
nnet-normalize-component.h | This file contains declarations of components that in one way or another normalize their input: NormalizeComponent and BatchNormComponent |
nnet-optimize-test.cc | |
nnet-optimize-utils.cc | |
nnet-optimize-utils.h | |
nnet-optimize.cc | |
nnet-optimize.h | |
nnet-parse-test.cc | |
nnet-parse.cc | |
nnet-parse.h | |
nnet-simple-component.cc | |
nnet-simple-component.h | This file contains declarations of components that are "simple", meaning they don't care about the indexes they are operating on, produce one output for one input, and return the kSimpleComponent flag in their Properties(): for example, tanh and affine components |
nnet-tdnn-component.cc | |
nnet-test-utils.cc | |
nnet-test-utils.h | This file contains various routines that are useful in test code |
nnet-training.cc | |
nnet-training.h | |
nnet-utils-test.cc | |
nnet-utils.cc | |
nnet-utils.h | This file contains some miscellaneous functions dealing with class Nnet |
► nnet3bin | |
cuda-compiled.cc | |
cuda-gpu-available.cc | |
nnet3-acc-lda-stats.cc | |
nnet3-align-compiled.cc | |
nnet3-am-adjust-priors.cc | |
nnet3-am-copy.cc | |
nnet3-am-info.cc | |
nnet3-am-init.cc | |
nnet3-am-train-transitions.cc | |
nnet3-average.cc | |
nnet3-combine.cc | |
nnet3-compute-batch.cc | |
nnet3-compute-from-egs.cc | |
nnet3-compute-prob.cc | |
nnet3-compute.cc | |
nnet3-copy-egs.cc | |
nnet3-copy.cc | |
nnet3-discriminative-compute-from-egs.cc | |
nnet3-discriminative-compute-objf.cc | |
nnet3-discriminative-copy-egs.cc | |
nnet3-discriminative-get-egs.cc | |
nnet3-discriminative-merge-egs.cc | |
nnet3-discriminative-shuffle-egs.cc | |
nnet3-discriminative-subset-egs.cc | |
nnet3-discriminative-train.cc | |
nnet3-egs-augment-image.cc | |
nnet3-get-egs-dense-targets.cc | |
nnet3-get-egs-simple.cc | |
nnet3-get-egs.cc | |
nnet3-info.cc | |
nnet3-init.cc | |
nnet3-latgen-faster-batch.cc | |
nnet3-latgen-faster-looped.cc | |
nnet3-latgen-faster-parallel.cc | |
nnet3-latgen-faster.cc | |
nnet3-latgen-grammar.cc | |
nnet3-merge-egs.cc | |
nnet3-show-progress.cc | |
nnet3-shuffle-egs.cc | |
nnet3-subset-egs.cc | |
nnet3-train.cc | |
nnet3-xvector-compute-batched.cc | |
nnet3-xvector-compute.cc | |
nnet3-xvector-get-egs.cc | |
► nnetbin | |
cmvn-to-nnet.cc | |
feat-to-post.cc | |
nnet-concat.cc | |
nnet-copy.cc | |
nnet-forward.cc | |
nnet-info.cc | |
nnet-initialize.cc | |
nnet-set-learnrate.cc | |
nnet-train-frmshuff.cc | |
nnet-train-mmi-sequential.cc | |
nnet-train-mpe-sequential.cc | |
nnet-train-multistream-perutt.cc | |
nnet-train-multistream.cc | |
nnet-train-perutt.cc | |
paste-post.cc | |
rbm-convert-to-nnet.cc | |
rbm-train-cd1-frmshuff.cc | |
train-transitions.cc | |
transf-to-nnet.cc | |
► online | |
online-audio-source.cc | |
online-audio-source.h | |
online-decodable.cc | |
online-decodable.h | |
online-faster-decoder.cc | |
online-faster-decoder.h | |
online-feat-input.cc | |
online-feat-input.h | |
online-feat-test.cc | |
online-tcp-source.cc | |
online-tcp-source.h | |
onlinebin-util.cc | |
onlinebin-util.h | |
► online2 | |
online-endpoint.cc | |
online-endpoint.h | |
online-feature-pipeline.cc | |
online-feature-pipeline.h | This file contains a class OnlineFeaturePipeline for online feature extraction, which puts together various pieces into something that has a convenient interface |
online-gmm-decodable.cc | |
online-gmm-decodable.h | |
online-gmm-decoding.cc | |
online-gmm-decoding.h | |
online-ivector-feature.cc | |
online-ivector-feature.h | This file contains code for online iVector extraction in a form compatible with OnlineFeatureInterface |
online-nnet2-decoding-threaded.cc | |
online-nnet2-decoding-threaded.h | |
online-nnet2-decoding.cc | |
online-nnet2-decoding.h | |
online-nnet2-feature-pipeline.cc | |
online-nnet2-feature-pipeline.h | This file contains a different version of the feature-extraction pipeline in online-feature-pipeline.h, specialized for use in neural network decoding with iVectors |
online-nnet3-decoding.cc | |
online-nnet3-decoding.h | |
online-nnet3-incremental-decoding.cc | |
online-nnet3-incremental-decoding.h | |
online-speex-wrapper.cc | |
online-speex-wrapper.h | |
online-timing.cc | |
online-timing.h | |
onlinebin-util.cc | |
onlinebin-util.h | |
► online2bin | |
apply-cmvn-online.cc | |
compress-uncompress-speex.cc | |
extend-wav-with-silence.cc | |
ivector-extract-online2.cc | |
ivector-randomize.cc | |
online2-tcp-nnet3-decode-faster.cc | |
online2-wav-dump-features.cc | |
online2-wav-gmm-latgen-faster.cc | |
online2-wav-nnet2-am-compute.cc | |
online2-wav-nnet2-latgen-faster.cc | |
online2-wav-nnet2-latgen-threaded.cc | |
online2-wav-nnet3-latgen-faster.cc | |
online2-wav-nnet3-latgen-grammar.cc | |
online2-wav-nnet3-latgen-incremental.cc | |
► onlinebin | |
online-audio-client.cc | |
online-audio-server-decode-faster.cc | |
online-gmm-decode-faster.cc | |
online-net-client.cc | |
online-server-gmm-decode-faster.cc | |
online-wav-gmm-decode-faster.cc | |
► sgmm2 | |
am-sgmm2-project.cc | |
am-sgmm2-project.h | |
am-sgmm2-test.cc | |
am-sgmm2.cc | |
am-sgmm2.h | |
decodable-am-sgmm2.cc | |
decodable-am-sgmm2.h | |
estimate-am-sgmm2-ebw.cc | |
estimate-am-sgmm2-ebw.h | |
estimate-am-sgmm2-test.cc | |
estimate-am-sgmm2.cc | |
estimate-am-sgmm2.h | |
fmllr-sgmm2-test.cc | |
fmllr-sgmm2.cc | |
fmllr-sgmm2.h | |
► sgmm2bin | |
init-ubm.cc | |
sgmm2-acc-stats-gpost.cc | |
sgmm2-acc-stats.cc | |
sgmm2-acc-stats2.cc | |
sgmm2-align-compiled.cc | |
sgmm2-comp-prexform.cc | |
sgmm2-copy.cc | |
sgmm2-est-ebw.cc | |
sgmm2-est-fmllr.cc | |
sgmm2-est-spkvecs-gpost.cc | |
sgmm2-est-spkvecs.cc | |
sgmm2-est.cc | |
sgmm2-gselect.cc | |
sgmm2-info.cc | |
sgmm2-init.cc | |
sgmm2-latgen-faster-parallel.cc | |
sgmm2-latgen-faster.cc | |
sgmm2-post-to-gpost.cc | |
sgmm2-project.cc | |
sgmm2-rescore-lattice.cc | |
sgmm2-sum-accs.cc | |
► transform | |
basis-fmllr-diag-gmm.cc | |
basis-fmllr-diag-gmm.h | |
cmvn.cc | |
cmvn.h | |
compressed-transform-stats.cc | |
compressed-transform-stats.h | |
decodable-am-diag-gmm-regtree.cc | |
decodable-am-diag-gmm-regtree.h | |
differentiable-transform.h | |
fmllr-diag-gmm-test.cc | |
fmllr-diag-gmm.cc | |
fmllr-diag-gmm.h | |
fmllr-raw-test.cc | |
fmllr-raw.cc | |
fmllr-raw.h | |
fmpe-test.cc | |
fmpe.cc | |
fmpe.h | |
lda-estimate-test.cc | |
lda-estimate.cc | |
lda-estimate.h | |
lvtln.cc | |
lvtln.h | |
mllt.cc | |
mllt.h | |
regression-tree-test.cc | |
regression-tree.cc | |
regression-tree.h | |
regtree-fmllr-diag-gmm-test.cc | |
regtree-fmllr-diag-gmm.cc | |
regtree-fmllr-diag-gmm.h | |
regtree-mllr-diag-gmm-test.cc | |
regtree-mllr-diag-gmm.cc | |
regtree-mllr-diag-gmm.h | |
transform-common.cc | |
transform-common.h | |
► tree | |
build-tree-questions.cc | |
build-tree-questions.h | |
build-tree-test.cc | |
build-tree-utils-test.cc | |
build-tree-utils.cc | |
build-tree-utils.h | |
build-tree.cc | |
build-tree.h | |
cluster-utils-test.cc | |
cluster-utils.cc | |
cluster-utils.h | |
clusterable-classes.cc | |
clusterable-classes.h | |
context-dep-test.cc | |
context-dep.cc | |
context-dep.h | |
event-map-test.cc | |
event-map.cc | |
event-map.h | |
tree-renderer.cc | |
tree-renderer.h | |
► util | |
basic-filebuf.h | |
common-utils.h | |
const-integer-set-inl.h | |
const-integer-set-test.cc | |
const-integer-set.h | |
edit-distance-inl.h | |
edit-distance-test.cc | |
edit-distance.h | |
hash-list-inl.h | |
hash-list-test.cc | |
hash-list.h | |
kaldi-cygwin-io-inl.h | |
kaldi-holder-inl.h | |
kaldi-holder.cc | |
kaldi-holder.h | |
kaldi-io-inl.h | |
kaldi-io-test.cc | |
kaldi-io.cc | |
kaldi-io.h | |
kaldi-pipebuf.h | This is an Kaldi C++ Library header |
kaldi-semaphore.cc | |
kaldi-semaphore.h | |
kaldi-table-inl.h | |
kaldi-table-test.cc | |
kaldi-table.cc | |
kaldi-table.h | |
kaldi-thread-test.cc | |
kaldi-thread.cc | |
kaldi-thread.h | |
parse-options-test.cc | |
parse-options.cc | |
parse-options.h | |
simple-io-funcs.cc | |
simple-io-funcs.h | |
simple-options-test.cc | |
simple-options.cc | |
simple-options.h | |
stl-utils-test.cc | |
stl-utils.h | |
table-types.h | |
text-utils-test.cc | |
text-utils.cc | |
text-utils.h | |